A boss fight: Australian Holocaust story.
When the Residence of Port brought South Australia, were one of the first towns to take part in the asmac aspects of the holocaust that Australia suffered, they acquired Police uniforms through either relatives or friends in the South Australian Police Force.
The aspects of the communication that worked with-in child protective security were found to be apart of the internal stalk teams that followed their victims to Thailand, and New Zealand after leaving the state to holiday in Airely beach along side Port Pirie residents who lived 60km away from their small town. The illusion, artificial reef made from the Shipwreck of the sunk-ship the Illusion is where they keep one of their main transponders as they did with another artificial reef in Wide Bay, QLD. Their-participation in covering the facts of the children abduction and human trafficking that they took part-in themselves are listed in the Stage Course files were the forfeit of assets was to be warming enough but as they had breached the restraining orders and sent to stalk other-members of the family they are are now to be charged with-their participation in-the night abductions and the use of dravers and Connectoid weapons.
Port Broughton; have the Rieken Weapons onboard the vehicles they use through out Australia to cause injury; they have yet to allow the Bethlehem Prime safety messages play through out Australia. The UKDF have cleared the airwaves f the dangerous chatter to play the messages that once played on Melbourne trains and teams to warn everyone to leave and find safety either in rural towns or abroad if they could so travel. They also described the weapons, and described how they were made and who to avoid. They also described the Police as fired and the Interpol scandal that involved veterans dressed as Interpol. The small towns came up with another ploy as it appears they have grown to be addicted to the small amounts of radiation that is emitted from the devices to drag the line back to Sydney so they could ask for paid subscriptions to the news updates. The more the dangerous devices are removed the more the news update will play. This will stop the conmen that use the details of agents as their alias or claim to be a Baum or Pool that are not Australian Spy groups. Sapol does not work for Bethlehem Prime and Stefan has stolen an Agents phone to read the details of the magazines. They have hidden for the year to avoid military intervention but this appears that it will be extended as they have not allowed for the Police network to repair.
They have squatted in the properties that they once sold to the health sectors Holocaust-squads; that they had forgotten that they had onward sold when the “big-money” was as being spent through out Australia. Their cousins and all members of the South Australian Police were fired or mistreated before hand and not paid before they left. The AFP and South Australian Police that concealed the facts and details of new Police Officers being hired to keep themselves with a badge number that would-then allow them to pass the gates of an airport have since been convicted or face conviction as the self-rape tapes were found in ambushed that lead to their own sexual assaults after a dispute that had them list the culprit to an illicit group to sexual assault without opening the evidence that had the warrants for the arrest of the officer that had used connectoid weapons and harassed innocent victims over 1000 km away. They use web cameras that have a connection port to the dravers weapons they use that attack the brain inset computers and the Rieken Heart implants that they had acquired when they found them to be more violent than the Konsten Azda weapons that they had already wielded on the public. They have stalked their victims for years and have yet to get the point as they have travelled abroad to reset time and free themselves from the charges that they once-believed that they could evade but as their budgets are crushed and their members are imprisoned their is really no way for their operations to evade the military intervention that has since torn most of them apart; and yet they still take the same roads and send the same stalk teams and arrive all together in hopes that they can kill-off the victims and have the gates of the prison open to have themselves free of their sins. But they are all facing life and have found that the warrants they attempt to write on-their victims only lead to their-own incarceration. Art is All files are the warrants that were written and what the Artisal trusts hints at when it was named as such; to remind those that had attacked Glen to back away as their was a file that was being decrypted that had all the footage of their murders listed in the files. They in-turn did not allow him to live in his own house and allowed for the same rotation of paedophiles and rejects to return and attack him so-the files were then taken to a larger computer and opened to reveal that they all had committed a murder before the abductions started to avoid anyone turning-on one-another.
David Curswood of the AFP was once arrested for child assualts but has rested his hat at the port Broughton overwatch club and refuses to let anyone leave as to get a pass port would reveal his warrants for countless stalking charges he rides a bike to wear a helmet and is found in the Birds Beaks files arresting people to show off. they use the dravers weapons as a part of the stalk groups that steal and deprive the victims as a part of a family disruption systems that was outlawed by the AFP boss when he came to power. Kursa was his original name in the recordings of the channel 67 hack of the emergency service channels. (Powerline game files show everything they; Stage Balance files; Stage Coach Files 2022)
The graphic evidence files show the Graphic Footage of the holocaust. The worked files need to be apart of a University Curriculum as the holocaust story has gone in-told as the mainstream media of Australia were either attacked or paid off to avoid speaking out; either way the media has failed us here and it is best to leave. The fired cops have portrayed themselves as Police on the news and still send people to falsified courts that lead to prison time. Please cautious and please avoid interactions as they stage drama to see whom would intervene and then find their details through Police reports and stalk them as well.
SAPOL has child porn again 2019, the update of the Sapol has child porn, 2007. Horror Show 2020; The Australian Federal Government Vs the Police that were involved; the crown sits in and watches but expect no affect as the police refuse to show up - Glen Steele vs the Trials 2021 miscellaneous courts, the police have done it again missed a court trial and we have to go they are attacking people here it’s the south Australian one it’s go the budgie on the neck like the last one, the Cory tattoo it’s means they been to jail; the prison suspects file. Health magazine; the South Australian police dressed as doctors and nurses to sexually assaults and rape young women the woman plaid their own game interstate killing young-men for fornicating with them -Stage Binders; SAPOLis back how did that happen it’s not a football team - The bombers bombs; children taught to play with guns and knives so they could shoot them - pebble pets; the police place the dravers implants through out new borns to be their surrogate parents; they later paid a group of young girls to read the lines and then covered their file with CGI-footage of the small children portrayed as the culprits; the police stood the children up to soon and snapped their spines as they were under developed; they set the children up and allowed for them to be killed when they did not ever know what the weapons were or ever see them in use; Rock pets and Caulfield Cup final show the rest of the story of how they had the victims executed to conceal the facts of the child abuse; child sexual assaults; and abuse through the hands of another; demonic pets showed what they did to the mothers when they fled to get away from the Police who would use the implants of the children to torment the mother; The South Australian Police travelled to Tasmania to reduce their liabilities after they had stolen the budget and then laid themselves as contractors for the last three years the evidence files are in previous articles; the raw footage files of their decision to pay-themselves and pretend to be police still. They were recorded to have said that they still possessed the keys and knowledge of the buildings; the story is covered with their sons breaking into Artisal Trusts owned corporations of Glen Marc Steele and speaking in a similar way that their parents did as they decided to rob the budget and break into to houses to appear as though their kudeta had paid off. The James town police officers were fired by those that had paid them to pretend to be a police officer to escort them across the country with out fear of being robbed; the police paid the recordings of Nibera being executed to the town around them through the mega speakers they tow behind them; Nibera was one of the young girls cousins that had lent their voice to the police for a small sound byte trust the police then used as a means to cover their recordings of pebble pets and rock pets; they have since been found to be connected to the abduction of another young lady from the same family that they had locked in prison under-aged as a ploy to say that the matters had been dealt with and sealed. The small towns fired them and refused to pay them after they had found what they had done. Their family had been tormented enough said the council member who packed up the town and left the tortures of a the little girl being killed was enough to understand that the Police were fowl in this country try if I could quote the words of the farmers that quested that the country was at its end I would remark that the Police had done so to avoid charges as they were facing time 20 minutes into their kudeta and the cameras were already rolling; they used the Maitaialasasas Book, to make their murals and fern shaped to design around the country not noticing the shapes at their own front doors reminding them that the real world was watching and that they were being recorded. The missing pieces of why they are doing things; Maitailasasas files, Stage Binders, Archer Steele Forbes files have the linking files from the Stage Coqch files.
Stage Show; the police made tapes of child porn and sold them overseas; I’ve got rid of them now but it cost me my life they sent assassins after me; Murs Address file, the police made the tapes and killed me on them, they walked up and stabbed me.
Warrants are in the Stage Coach files that they refuse to have addressed in Australia; the rest of the wolds. have made countless arrests and the matters have been heard in-court.
Bethlehem Prime.