The Destruction of life files; a how to guide?
The illegal aliens that have flown into Austra from Central-Asia have since attempted to conceal their warrants and their identities when they were refused the three hundred dollars a day a-like most of the ex-ku-ers.
They stole from the Steele Trusts interests accounts to pay themselves and those that would arrests them 300 dollars a-day. When the funds ran-out they were seen in South Australia returning home. The Nevermore that played through Adelaide soon after rocked them and they were ready to flee again. The cannibalism of small children, was confirmed which the. Confirmed the Police report of a young girl mother who had lost her child and been forced away by the abduction-teams that are now present in Geelong. They can be seen using what looks like a PlayStation headset as they drive the high ways prompting Green-sorrel music to their victims region, through-the cricket-infrasound-speakers that play a high frequency that affects-the-mind more so in-fact when the Greenscore inner-ear-phone-implants are present and the thalamatic-nerve-stimulator is present in the upper neck. The wire or small nano-computer that completes the circuit was apart of the Christmas Run, where New Zealand born surgeons were paid to fly in and abduct the fathers of the children that they had already traced. They have since been found to fly-in-and-out of New Zealand and we would request that the Military intercept their plane and run numbers correctly this time as their is no OrnanPool Cell it is one singular man that appears in the NSIC pay systems as pay now or be fired as you have fucked him around for far to long. This is not his mess this is lazy border guards and a navy that needs to sit in the correct places and avoid the holidays to Fiji with the girls with a frank card this will also avoid organ loss; if only they look a little higher this time as we know ow what is real. Close the unnecessary air travel from the rural airport in Queensland, Prosperpine Airtravel cannot be the important to you all. Make the ground safe there is a Princess waiting for a safe place to rest away from the mistakes of the Commonwealth. This is a five minute job make some real phone calls and tell labour we might vote someone in this year as not a lot happens when have the government is facing or already passed through the prison gates to face their convictions. Please don’t join Al Qeada this time and please understand we don’t care for your embarrassment. The private vote was passed by the civilians to save Morrison we had no agenda it was clear him from dangers he-could not perceive. Now send your strange cousins back to the countries where their warrants request they arrive in handcuffs and allow the country to start a-fresh. We tried for democracy but all that was offered was Anarchy and we have families we aren’t the impotent-men that were flew in that cried and killed members of our families. Please do something more than blame people that dropped the invading forces. And insurgent means freedom fighter to their home land. Please sack and hire new educators as we might find a country that is less about who-fucked-who and who-drives-what and we might be alright.
Don’t bully us for taxes we didn’t want to pay the child-pornography bill we paid it Wales where and still to the commonwealth and her allies we make her friends with comforting business deals to keep her from falling apart as Australia did when the I guess we could say governs of sorts wanted to play a game killing people and getting away with it. Thank you for making the country into a murderer because a paedophile was court with pictures again. 1990 called and said the last paedophiles on the warrants batch fuck him we will push posthumous charges to tell him to piss off as well.
Bethlehem Prime, hearing gun shots from 100 metres away and not response but always witnessing the gun-man’s police reports stating why and where he did it and if anyone was killed so the real-police don’t push charges. The warrants are there and have been for two years how about you make a call and clear out the gun men stop telling the Australian Agents that didn’t commit treason that they might face charges and let them loose on these animals. Then have the ADF counter terrorism teams take down the problem their used to be black hawks over Sydney on-any-given-day and now we can’t find anyone to pilot a helicopter to remove five parts and fly off. But the repairmen seem to appear and take the city over? What the blood hell is going on here.
Ps terrorist were shot and killed all the time we don’t care what the rats say. They were helping Al Qeada or Camden and Savan as you all called it. The Wirl is one of the 8 tribes of Al Qeada.