A systems of Blame; the singled out family member, a systems inferrous ferno story.
Now that the Australian Secret Intelligence organisation knows to back away and allow for the details of the systems inferrous ferno abduction systems to be told to the victims and their families to-be prompted to come clean. Their brown nosing to the insurance companies is no longer required as they were all sealed into the Artisal Trusts and the liabilities have since faded so we would request that they stop using the banners of our insurance companies to push the innocent-victims around.
It is the father that they abduct but only when they have had a child, it is the plyte of the police force to force them into a method of contact so they arrive at the designated places where the chips that they have surgically inserted into the body and brain can be scanned for data as-a means of self funding the illegal-torture games as-the experimentation has gone on so long their is really nothing to learn.
The father is eventually placed in jail to hear the tortured of his child that they and it around the same time. They beat him and torture him when he attempts to rescue his family that is at times set with a paedophile or a violent person. The Police of Australia have been disbanded over these revelations as found in-the Police Camsel files, and the Health Rank files, Insurance wars files have more details of the dangerous human experimentation that was left in-the hands of any reject that they could find willing to take part in human experimentation that involved control of some kind as it was marketed to them all. The South Australian Police Fraud files, shows the details of the methods of sending details to MI5 who has an auto response email reply system that was used as a fraudulent way to boast to the community that MI5 was onboard — A Polite hello and thank you, would not be an offer of consent; the message drawn from the email was used as a Assuked insanity weapon to a little girl who wrote them messages and requested rescue she gained knowledge of their fraud and began to use the same methods to push them around back as the Police did not want the public to know that they had quit their jobs and began working for the health sector.
The Konsten Azda implants were acquired through private sale and it is about time that the Deniers Magazine was scanned to make the Australian Intelligence fraudsters that are also paid through hwalth to get out of the way return their cousins to the foreign countries they are from turn off the towers and stop inhibiting the rehabilitation of Holocaust Survivors. Greenhorn 44150 files, how to remove the implants teach you surgeons how to rescue before there are none left. Archer Rhodes Lane has the files see if you can open them you will need an MI6 “pin” as you call them to open them and you can’t use anyone else’s this time thank you “Hank”. To describe Hank, a group of young men that stole a CIB print out that was illegally written as it did not abide by the Golderian Blaze files guide lines to destroy the chatter the filing route was stolen and then used to destroy the movements of Hank and their Victorian counterpart Bart. That then portrayed themselves as spies. Hank had the corruption paid for by the old women that the gigeloes were paid by through the health sector expenditures so their husbands would not find-out, and Gus was elected by a child-sex trafficking ring to clear their files for them while they dressed as a Victoria State Police officer but this is neither here nor there as they all do so either on their route one day a year to get home with stolen merchandise or in their self elected-precients where they dress as Police. The MI6 journals that we have been provided would suggests that the ASMAC teams involved in-the systems inferrous ferno “Programs” if you will are going down and we don’t mean the cute little girls that dress as cops that were told that they were to be actresses in a movie, that were told of your self-carstrations that then led to your confessions that then prompted them to take the vehicles and tell every rapist in-town not to follow them around as they knew of the “ASMAC SITUATION” and would not be pushed around. Hard put gangs files shows the Police wannabe gangs and trying out for the real cops next year to assist the House Sitters.
Good morning and good night, you are free to mourne now we will make the computer say yes so the rejects get the hit to pop another chip somewhere else and gak a self-dosed synapse pattern of someone else. They are Cryon-junkies and we were stronger than them. Glen Chips, Stage Coach files. They could only open the media release. If they arrests you sue them. We travel to their home towns in Tasmania and South Australia where you will see their real profession. Be cautious in Victoria as they have volenteer police force, be-kind we pay some of them in their ordinary lives. Five hundred more if we can would be beautiful as we would be-able to safely say that the Police that are not fake can outnumber the child-sex trafficking rings that dress as cops and have someone to call. The ASMAC teams are the working of the Systems Inferrous Ferno and Systems Montero Programs.
You were better than them all, the best the brightest and the brave. Your families need to admit what they have done it shuts down the majority of everything as those involved were shown the whole workings of it all. Don’t push just be better than them their world is going to collapse. We are sorry for what they did to you and we are going to make them all pay - Bethlehem Prime.