ABC radio wave weapons.
A200020090090023009009008001700 - 313131221 transfer codes from Bristol Northern Territory live warrants. "Canadian Disbatch warrnats for those in the know the cable stretched to far attached for talking interstate we all came south of the Artic circle to return a little less south f the Artic circle. We never head north safe-phrase files; the Adominos channels of the AFAP have been placed on the wire again. Australia federal Australian Police - what an acronym. The ABC radio wave wepaons and the swinging-prism all to own a-house. they have attacked the wealthy families of Australia to move them onto live in their houses as the prism swings they flee and move to another house. We have found them moving the innocent-victims so far that they to needed to move when the-prisms swung (The Australian broadcast channel and the Adelaide Business District also known as the Adelaide-broadcast district, house theif files - retro mags files - placemaker files - the safe places to go file - to and fro files).
The towers are with-in Adelaide and Sydney this is the reason for the migration between the two-states. When the victims move they swing-out the third point to capture the victims in a thousand-kilometre-long prism that they use to abate it the lives of those that would have-them in the street and force-them to attests their crimes in-court (The media weapons tribunal AFP falcon files; the police streets attached make the full case 2019 -2021; the time travellers wife shows the details of their old phones that do not pass 2004 that they use to reset time on their clocks that they then transfer to the travel gate computers to deny evidence from court as the date on the file does-not coincide with-the year and the files cannot arrive-to court as-the files do not register; Retro games files; hunter Bradford Cunningham files 2020). The warrnats atop of the artical show the warrnats barched that will have-them all placed-in prison for the rest-of their-lives.
They hide in the Druss Corp Corporation housing in Sydney and the Fell Corp farms of Queensland and New South Wales. Both corporations owned by Artisal trusts. House sitter magaizne, Alliance one comics MI6 magazines and trusts fixtures.