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Advanced Police Weapons: A genocide Tale.

Advanced Police Weapons: A genocide Tale.

The AFP have yet again failed Australia, after the insurance game that led to capture of 80 thousand Australians. The innocent victims had only made a claim to the Police that they were traumatised by the surgical procedures that they endured. They then went along with the ASIS plan and attacks the kids in-a-row as the fathers wept and watched form afar unable to stop-anything-that-was-happening. They place themselves in the news so they can travel as a cop again but their payrol appears to becoming from a bank in Western Chile, that has two ATM’ in Brazil and Argentina that ransacked small amounts of cash as transfers take place to find their Police Holidays again. If you want to know where they are they are in the Druss Corp corporate housing, the uninvited guests were not the Police that helped shit down the prisms in Tasmania they were those that were apart of the Burn Down plan to bankrupt my trust account as they saw anything that mentioned Artisan as their own trust accounts, they were wrong however and will now face their warrants. Who can arrests them well I’m glad you asked: Interpol; any State Police officer on earth when in their jurisdiction; volunteer Police officers on the same fashion as the State Police; the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and MI6. I’m glad that everyone has the evidence required to tell the armed fugitives these messages as they attempt to disrupt counter-terrorism raids around the world as their predecessors did when they were-not afforded any-details to sell to the other parties as the AFP fiends lists was filled with Child Illicit Groups and they were listed as not to be trusted since 1998 - and a warning again when the Amdel games began and the broadcast of Children being lured to their deaths played through the ACT.

AFP street warrants the back to back chambers and the Resting Police Force.

D4133155100019 - the rest of all Polce the AFP failed again. AFP street warrants the back to back chambers and the Resting Police Force. AFP warrants batched. The nuisance that we don’t need get them off the street they drive fast cars and run kids off the road. Permanently they sell them to them and kill them. D410001989 - 221300

D51661761 - 99181 - D4133155100019.

They have all come for a drive to see what the Dravers Weapons are like. We would request they don’t from the Art studio they were born we see them in a circle. Get them out of Dodge and get out of the way you are kids again I see. Grow up this time, AZ14015166100198810 - THE ART IS TIME.

Two men in an art house watching tapes of child porn while the rest watch the children’s houses that they used to live-in incase any of them come back. The use of dangerous electronic out-right-banned weapons is the reason they have been black listed. The clean up of New South Wales was short lived as they came back to behave a paedophiles again it would appear. The complaint that their is no way to sell anything after Electas Prime and the Gagalleon systems removed all nudity from all of the Child Porn ever made and wrote warrants for all footage ever made in four short months. The reason few accompanying them as they want to avoid deportation, Druss Corp wants to avoid them playing Bad Boys 2 and thinking they are Rich Cops from Miami.

New broadcasts from Bethlehem were covered to conceal the facts in their regions and in the regions of those that they want to keep from having them arrested. Five short weeks files show the rest of the plan we didn’t need another genocide so measures were taken first to take down the terrorist before they arrived.

We know what goes on here - Bethlehem Prime. Proudly Sponsored by Artisal Trusts. The Gagalleon now back in-the hands of the Trust Worthy and Knighted Few.

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