AJGF Donaldson AZ221301801901701901131411-3314413312
D13013500019918 restraining order batch five all of Araise and aware files - Druss Corp kids files as they made us look like C.I.B to cover up C.I.B. Kids.
C.I.B. Kids was the broadcast of child abuse, mother were requested to pay a ransom to keep their children from being attacked with Electronic Response weapons. The Broadcast would sound like a T.V Commercial for ABC kids. This also relates to Pebble pets and the Attacks in Tasmania, Demonic Possession files show the use of invasive medical implants and Nerve stimulators to force the children to move and speak to their mother via the implants in the jaw, the German surgical files of Dreschs Effan files; Robot Jaw show the phones to at connect to the jaw. The mothers were forced in-to strange scenarios to keep themselves and their children safe from-the Police, or Health fugitives as they were known as the tile as they were all fired the day it started for walking off the job. They still sit exams under Health Banners and hire nurses as they know what to do as a medic if they are hurt as the hospitals were shut.