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APB: the death of Two Police Officers.

The Batman program: Police officers from the Victorian Police volenteer program were selected by Artisal Trusts to be paid a wage that would allow them to live above expectations. The owner of The corporations was surrounded by thousands of the stalkers that are listed in the various magazines.

When he would pass through Victoria they would arrive and keep him safe in person the records of his emails reflect that due to the invasive implants in his jaw he could not speak in fear of forced comments being projected from his jaw. He would thank them in writing to the compliments link in the Victorian Police website. In their absence we have seen an increase in crime they were selected to live a life of wealth as they could earn any figure as they were volenteers they were to receive the highest levels of Police intelligence to excel both their careers and the volenteer program to bring new officers into the Victorian Police force. His call sign on the protection list was the Dark Night and thought it fitting to pass the life style to a Police officers as he was leaving the country and was a fan of the Dark Knight Comics that saw a Police officer handed the reigns. It may sound stupid to some but his family all of them high ranking members of the state and federal police that had branches into Interpol were ready to retire and wanted to leave the Polixe Force in good sted and filled with those that were worthy as they were of the nature that provided safety to the community. They were all offered the same income but due to the method of payment coming through a covert channel some of the officers did not take the income in fear that they would appear corrupt and that it could be a possible money laundering scheme and a means to have good cops thrown off the force it was not the case and the offers still stand. We will try again through the same methods in the next intakes. We have paid thousand of Australians above standard and their taxation is paid through the Great British Taxation systems please keep this in mind if another fake intake program begins as was the case when Drusscozen began attacks on Druss Corp in hopes to deceive. Just live was the request to all of them please stay in-the Police Force we need good cops.

The case work is listed with in the Stage Binders as with everything else and all matters will be handled by the inquest by Great Britain. Rest in Peace and thank you is all I can say as my heart is broken that we have lost friends to a greed that swept through the nation their only wish was to evened the warrants they were sent from Interpol that would have them arrested and charged anywhere on earth; they stole identities and bank accounts to change their names and details to flee the country their details updated the second they left as their warrants are life long and ongoing their details update on all evidence sheets please search for the culprits warrants under the alias that would match the name of your fallen Comrads.

Paraphrased Sargent Tony Reynolds Victorian Police;

Branson would be the magazine that would be held suspects in their murders. Their bank cards agave been stolen and need to be returned to the family of the victims and all payments returned. Branson magazine has been Knick-named Braylord magazine but I can assure you their warrants are with in Branson Magazine their compardraise are listed in Wimp magazine and fly from West Beach Airport to Victoria and return home at the end of their shift or at the end of their week depending on their income stream. We have attempted to bankrupt their crime syndicate as they had attempted to bankrupt our organisation. It is Police friendly you just have to be the right kind of cop. We were all digruntled parents or big saviours of children. Remember your fallen Comrads this way as Big Child Protectors. "Big child protectors are coming we are safe here would be heard as they came to town.

Please keep the rest of the big protectors safe. We have scorched the earth over the loss of our loved ones.

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