The prince of effin princes: the Duke of dukes cousins attached.
The United Nations accepted the bill from my cousin and I to have our case heard in the high courts as the investigations found us both to be of royal nature. Maitaialasasas the descendants of Mann and the Darnnass families that were joined by the Aarannariss . This was three thousand years ago since then our families have had their time on the Five thrones and can be found in history books. Maitaialasasas 3 was of no duty to find as their family wed through the ages it was Maitaialasasas 1 that found themselves to be the forgotten dukes: by duty alone or was the military they were hidden in and sworn to secrecy. Not a palace among them and now they have four. Just close enough our own lands Maitaialasasas found its way back.
We would thank the Germans and Scottish Australians that found our herratage and used it as their own to flaunt the frock of gold they wore but thank you we have returned. All written in gold please release our family from the Data pits that you stalk us with. Please leave the studios you flock to, we do not want to be monitored why you flock their to monitor us all is a mystery that need not to be solved but to be studied in its self we will not marry your cousins as that would not make the wolrd right again as you say. You are embarrassing yourselves and we want you out of our lives. Our suiters and loved ones are not to be mentioned in your games you are not crows you are an annoyance please quell the murders as you didn't understand what you were reading it was not to murder one another it was to flock together. The murder of crows and te conspiracy of raven they were mentions of the correct terms for their flocks not a request to stalk, injure and murder people with electronic graphs. Please stay away from us.