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Artisal News

Artisal News

Injustice files: Fienen Files.

The methods they use to flee: "Amjetr Darkelss"

The recording played through the monologue and Konologue servers shows a conversation between two fugitives that had stolen a police vehicle covering up their warrants in a rural town. To access the computers from their they would need to travel a covert transfer wire from the rural Police station all the way to the Police intelligence computers in the main Police buildings that have access to the vaults and fortress’ of the Police evidence storage systems. A68354D0473814 - the cover show the one that lead to them all Mark Thomas - The Federal - Snake Pit - Sægem guide. The recording shows the alphanumeric code being used to conceal the alpha-numerical code of his warrants under a word Ramjet Sparkles was to be the cover method but the words did not line up and the method could not be passed along the line. The comedic conversation before they started running again shows the desperation of the pair attempting to conceal their warrants in-the margins of the page (the border of the page) so it would not be read by the auto readers of the Police vaults and sent to the dispatch computers for arrests to be made.

Mark searches for his warrants as Sægem does stalking people until they attempt to open his warrant so he can conceal it again. He has ongoing warrants from the danger close case where he was washed of his crimes by a magistrate’s court for arson before telling his case again. The writing from the case appears to be from the strange year that Australia had where they all behaved as child molesters did and injured children with their strange games concealing the injuries with plastic surgeons sit the parents didn’t find out. The injustice files were all that were needed to continue forth and arrest everyone but with the corruption and some families being left out due to Police and state corruption. The politicians were charged and went abroad to server their time as were the majority of those from government or legal fraternities. They were all placed on terror watches lists after the injustice files were found the Danish military found them evidence again after they were hit with a cyber attack and had to repair the infrastructure i between wavering attacks from the terrorist network that attacked Denmark to retrieve the Fienen files. Australian still has the word Fienen on a watch list as the terrorist that refused to leave office and refused to appear in court for their war-crime. They are still on military intervention lists and only appear to hand themselves in when all hope is lost and they know the military is coming to take them down.

The method used is that if a chess peace they move like a knight would. One across and two paces. Left to right would entail the first letter would request on step left and then to paces and then the next letter would go to the right however if the letter already sits on the top line where the numerical pad is the sequence resets and the letters move to the left once more as they start again. The numbers do not supersede the top line and wrap around again with this method this basic method is what the fugitives have used to deceive the courts.

A - 0 N - 5 - 0

B - 4 -9 O - 9

C - 2 - 7 P - 0

D - 2 - 5 Q - 1

E - 3 R - 4

F - 3 - 6 S -1 - 4

G - 4 - 7 T - 5

H - 5 - 8 U - 7

J - 6 - 9 V - 8 - 3

K - 7 - 9 W - 2

L - 8 - 1 X - 1 - 6

M - 6 - 0 Z - 1 - 4

Local request: young women have been searching for their friends and loved ones this is the method for all our loved ones to be found pease do no pay the 400 dollars for the excursions. The print out of the chatter may be illegal if it is surpassing the classification of military personnel. The electricians have been told and they are not agents they collect the chatter from the electrical sub stations. They were charged for misleading people to below they were agents last time they pulled such a stunt.

Injustice files - Fienen sfeils

Caitlyn Mudge

Caitlyn Sumg

Caitlyn Sumbury

Please request that the Injustice files are searched for Caitlyn’ name her name will be under the heading Caitlyn and then the last names are listed below if they have a last name that is very common please list the middle name. The Injustice files part 2 and three have been made with the same process there was no one left behind Denmark saved us all the hassles just leave and be safe they are mad there.

Further clarification - Sægem magazine: a group of volenteers that started fired to avoid their capture when running from the law they had committed countless murders and locked people in cages to torture them for months on end. Magazines are the militaries requests for warrants written into a graphic novel that shows the details of the culprits and the names of the victims so they can be rescued. SÆGEM and the rest of the culprits played another evil game against the victims and told them they were being pursued and dressed as Police officers to injure and kill them. The victims of Maverick magazine had to leave South Australian as the Police computers were hacked. The request for military intervention and take down of the members of Maverick were thrown onto one of the victims and then maverick and their support network killed the young man and buried him in close proximity of another victim of the groups stalkers. The recording of his torture were played to Adelaide. The victims of maverick and mental magazine have since been set straight and they know their names were only used to request their rescue.

Mental magazine: mental health workers that stalked and pursued their victims to have them locked into mental health facilities when they want to drug and sexually assault them while they are unconscious or in a drugged state when they would not remember what took place. Some of them were rented out from the hospital to strange perverts. They also portrayed themselves as the fitness of the victims and traveled with them. They would try to keep one or two stalkers per group.

House sitter magazine: those that won’t leave the Artisal properties and assets, ex-government employees that had access to the Glens office that stole the keys yet again while he was lured away from South Australia to remove the dangerous electronic components that were to close to home. The River Canne murder attempts were to secure property. On his return they had ransacked his small business’ and were stealing from the tip and pushing his workers around attempting to have them all fired as they were selected for employment out of the blue due to the courage when asked to join a strange cult that hurt people for no reason. They were not fired and have been asked not to pay the tariff on the work place or power bills as they are all covered by Druss Corp or what ever other corporation is listed such as Fell Corp etc. Artisal is quite rich darling you don’t need to stress. You or some one I knew that is related to you was a friend in a time where I was left to starve and die half tortured to death surrounded by people who sat in Emergency service vehicles to avoid the call if I ever collapsed. That is why you were asked to work for us and why the wages are made fun and annoying for Nosey investigators.

Artisal News

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