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Artisal news: car gun warrants finally!

Radi core weapons. AZM2000900080002000 radio wave AMA22000 - 450 left to arrests; however the weapons have not be tried properly so the Polixe are ready to move on them all again.

The annoying stupid weapons! I'm sick of them. They come past my house and they shoot at me. I am so sick of this they can't keep getting away with this. A young women from Sydney makes complaint to the Police through the wire, do we dare make the complaint of the weapons existence again or will another pay off take place we have all lost friends and family to homocides that took their lives when the Australian Police were paid off to look away after the Police reports were passed to a crime ring. The electricians that check the line read outs for the Crimianl intelligence Branch may have well made an intelligence branch for criminals. They left the cops that fought everything off with out back up and lured them to lines with out Police communications to execute them for rescuing the young civilians from the captivity they were left in either through surgical and chemical restraints or locked away in farm houses and fish tanks (more in-depth story coming soon - fish farmers and cattle- cagers: Archer Booth files and The Willow of Tree One on art we fall for betterment of mankind; Artisal the most repritable news; now they can speak about it the duke lives file five Glen Steele vs the World I want to free them file 85 the news won't speak of them)

The radium weapons have the ability to pass through human skin with out leaving a mark; the casm caid upgrade means they can hullicinate thoughts at you from up to 35 metres away but with a cable caid they can emit the sound from a tower; known as a green score weapon the Visual hullicination is caused by the ear. the green stretch prosthetic ears are connected to a thalamatic nerve stimulator that causes the mind melding magentism to the mind along side the medical synapse music that is emitted by the Greeners Towers (Archer Loads A File: Greenwich filing cabinet and the melding music that moves them it's a police node sound they use). The vehicles use the radi wepaosn to fire the weapons through solid objects as they have the punch of an ArmourLight rifle 5.56 calibre wepaons system at the same range of 400 yard with a range of 1000 yards when the weapons systems are fired at an irregular the force and how to use them; archers books the light roads home; we get through first; kongrathem books 2023 and the back chain novel of who's who he's in their the Police have him marked as dangerous but he's a duke and we want him home the other end nose him (Bristol and Birmingham; Essex of him they know the wrath as he was wounded by the passing of his cousin and the blue line they were not involved it was the childish pattern the kind makes when we are injured and can't comprehend the murder of a mate).

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Glen Steele
Glen Steele
Nov 20, 2023

Artisal accomodation.

The roads north

Room 1313

River Laddon Hotel

Swan Hill Shameless advertising.

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