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Devils advocates: Australian Holocaust.

Devils Advocate; Stage Race Files: Stage Trader attached.

The disability service providers that facilitated the sexual assaults of children. When they were all forfeited and closed they were once again ransacked and reopened by those that had kidnapped the owners. To this day they scream shut the kindergartens down and home school your kids until we can get the education department to lodge an international enquiry. The advocates still complaining about what was said half a decade ago have since got in-the way of the message reaching home. The Walker family have emerged yet again to conceal that they have used the same Falsified Police Contractor numbers or Aegis numbers as they were once called before the whole concept of a Police Contractor behaving as spies and having powers to shoot and mame society where-the Police Force couldn’t was the biggest sham ever to be written to the courts(Is this a Joke; Horror She Wrote; Horror Show; The Australian Government vs the police that were found to be involved 2021 - present as the Marjory of the matters continued as they moved overseas and refused to attend court - Aegis aware; Stage Coach files - the kindergarten enquiry - Rounders magazine 2022 - Sarurnalia magazine 2022 - Safcol magazine 2021).

We request that those that sit hole and complain to those that survived a holocaust go and sit overseas until such time that they find themselves means to be a better human-being. We would only ask for peace. Please allow for peace to reign in the darkest of times.

We would ask that they turn off the stolen vehicles they drive and return to their own homes.

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