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Fish Experts: all found and all ready for trial. C.I.B. To receive chatter

The strange creep shows that were even to cruel for 'Zergs Army' have been found all of their warrants have been written and ready to serve. For three years they kept a young women captive in a fish tank sumerged, a breathing apparatus was placed into the tank after she endured a week treading water to stay alive. Investigators could not hear her through the C.I.B. Telegraph poles as the AEIS vehicles or Easy street vehicles as the captives call the vehicles they disrupt Police and Military Communications with played tighter radio shows over the lines that could not hear her calls for help. We have found that the chatter has the silver knight files that can be requested to rescue those that are trapped as an Address to the Queens Council is only a call away. The Silver Knight files concealed the covert investigations as a Prince was involved in the investigation that made matters easier to conceal from the courts whom had been paid to open files for the captors to search for their details to have them removed

Sægem magazine shows some of those that work with in-the courts working tirelessly to conceal their warrants that have already had them removed from the the legal circuit but as they have changed their names before they started their conspired crime spree they slipped through the cracks and remained in the volenteer emergency services, where they used their actions on the fire-feild to conceal their real nature. Saturnalia magazine shows their actions abroad and their criminal network through South East Asia that used the sympathies of the crowds they entertained wit their sobs stories of not being paid for the work they did for the community to travel asking for donations when this grew tiresome for the crowds as they did a repeat tour asking for funds again that lead to the cost of their show far supercceding that of which they had placed into the banks of their charity. When their funds were searched by the Police that investigated their bank accounts as fraud was reported when they were found to take the money from the buckets they would use to collect change to walk straight into the pubs; before booking a hotel room. Their funds found that they had being paying electricity bills that had fish pumps and tanks, and a breathing apparatus. The young women that were found in the fish tank soon-there-after were rescued and freed but soon-before they were to attend court they were attacked by a surgeon in the knight whom used invasive medical implants to reconstruct the jaw with electrodes to the brain that would force speach with a Tele-phone that would force the speach via text message or email; phone call, or in the case of the emergency service a hand held GRFQ CB radio handset that is then linked through an Digital AM radio network that calls the jaw direct to force the electrodes to fire the device that can be described as a weaponised damaged-speech nerve stimulator, The Deasay computer programs that run the implants were acquired through SA health when one of the volenteers used their own network to conceal the acquisition of both the Deasay implants and the computer programs that monitor the synapse patterns while the victim speeks and send text messages, and emails so they can match the patterns of the neurons of the mind with a light pattern that is then duplicated by the computer programs so that forced speech can be projected as a means to disrupt the court proceedings through forcing a statement upon the victim or on fraudulently on their half if-you will as they preselect the proceedings like a scripted play

(A26A26A26A26 Deasay line products acquisition number SA health; investigations of the Crown; Stage Coach Files; Glen Steele vs the Wirl; Stage Binders; acquisition numbers and trace codes, applauded him don't flaw him attached).

This process they use is to disrupt the proceedings requires an adjournment for the computer programs to monitor the synapse patterns of the mind for three months. The coding teams will sit with in the range of less than a block to keep their phone connected to the antenna of the implant that uses a form of Bluetooth to connect but as the AEIS vehicles have a hard line static data-transfer that use the mechanics of the vehicles wepaons systems to keep contact as the victims move they can increase the range as they long line the blue tooth between the wehicles and sit back at the nearest substation or train station to use the power supply to conceal the increase of the power required to transfer the data from up to 300km away from the command of the Deasay programs head offices that were once in Flinders Private Medical centre intil the ownership changed hands to Druss Corps owner whom deamanded the program closed. Hospitals, Police stations, and in this case fire station have the digital AM radio output that were required to suit the Deasay computer programs.

The most horrible attacks where that of the Emergency Services whom duplicated a company name to make themselves appear as though they were apart of Alliance One' network and wrote falsified warrants and magazines that appear in The Sægem magazines evidence files that arrive with the Magazine that shows the footage and graphic art work of the felons life stories to deny them the right to change their names and move abroad through the payment to a coyote as their medical records are attached to the magazine. Stay Away magazine was horrific attack on not only the lives of the innocent victims but the judicial system that had to tear apart their archives of public records and repair the damage that was done with cold cases being made to look as though the innocent victims were apart of the evidence file in one way or the other. They would not only falsify the records to say they were criminals they would have the records changed to say that the innocent victims were witnesses to crooks that had lead to statements against mafia bosses that have since been contacted and directed in the direction of Sægem as requested by the Prince as he saw the poetic justice fitting of the crime, and also repaired the good name of the innocent victims. The emphasis of the term innocent victims is to assure them that we know what the culprits did to them and we know that they have drawn a network to compliment the dangeorus dulusions of grandeur that fuels their murder sprees alike we would see in a Hollywood film; killing an innocent human being to live in a mansion only to impress themselves as those out side of their network know of their identities and their nature. They create a fantasy for themselves to live in and create a hierarchy based on falsified facts that they abide by one year at a time as they rotate theough the positions of the power-structures based upon the crimes they have committed. The first years were the most vile as they based on the ranks of the military and those that had killed and raped were elevated to a higher rank that would then draw more from the trusts funds they had created through to fund themselves with the stolen funds through charity they had placed into their accounts through yet another member of their group working their way into the ingoings and outgoings of the government sector. The buy up scheme came next but was their biggest down fall as they lost all their assets to the Artisal Trusts in one settlement the means of which the proceedings took place led them to stalk intelligence agents home from Canberra after paying off members of the Australian Federal Police payrol whom were then offered membership in the strange society they keep the recordings of their chatter depict the mention of the society being alike the martrix where they could enter a police or emergency services containment area and do anything that they pleased before they returned home and lived an ordinary life. The agents were attacked through the pay office clerks drugging them before they left the office before they left the country on operatio Where they would either be ambushed through tip offs of where they were staying as the pay office organised the hotels and transport of the agents that then created the chink in the armour that allowed for the contractors that were apart of the government employment registers conduct the surgeries to insert the invasive medical implants into the agents that were then attacked while on future operations. Sægem and the rest of those listed in the Social Network magazine book set written by Alliance one to attempt to create their own agency that talked to the documentation of all of their crimes into falsified Australian Defence Force files that would then document all of their misconduct; The beauty is gone files HGC Romax files show the affects on-their social network when they lost everything. They stored their details through the Eduram servers, the transfers between Police and Medical files that are used when a sexual assault takes place that require the doctors reports; postal reocrds that conceal the links to the Dark Web where they share information with one another. Organising assassination months into the future by recording a video and placing it on the website that would then request the assassination months after the altercation had-taken place to conceal the command as it is deleted right away and then placed on a website that is untraceable to an extent; Glen Steele' method HGC Lomax, Erika' block; the IP search the stagnant in the middle.

The fish experts have since had all of their details played through the C.I.B. telegraph recorders; Stwge Binders; Glens Rescues; all details in-writing ready for court. Please work all matters of the Social Network Magazines found with Electas Prime comics. The pay-offs and prize pools aren't their but we are the leading edge in the world of crime fighting. Read the work we do and stand up and fight with out being a prize fighter the case solved two years ago. Round them up. Never More Stage Coach files: Starve for it. Job done pack it up.

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