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Please apprehend. Holocaust files show the damage they did.

A list of warrants:

Before we begin we must detest the fact that the now fired police officers have started to re-write the Stage Coach files so they can keep a house each and Star a fresh somewhere else. Their charges are prolific in the court cases of Glen Steele. And, the Australian Holocaust.

The evidence files they read to the high courts have since been absorbed by the stage binders to charge them all for their attempts at genocide to protect those that would pay them a dollar a day; each though; from each of them one dollar and their is thousands of them. (The fugitive run files - it would appear like a grace file as it appears the police of South Australia and Queensland have refused to charge them but no alas they are Archer Rhodes Lane files)

Markus Taylor.



Trips around the world file - intended sale file

Reutis trip - corner street files - street blower one six files - corner stone files - reiko files;

A21314151 - Corner Stone files all above attached make the full case. Stage Coach files.

Case work and the case work they plagerised and changed the Stage Coach files were read to the high courts and five jurisdictions of the Supreme Court. In some cases twice as the other countries had already stepped into help.

P1909090801- Stage Blasé they say this all the time so I made this a warrant Jamilla Stevensons before they killed her.

A2191818171 - Stage Race files; the real files and Jamilla is in it. Above is the test image files for the Stage Pace; rerun files are where they remove their case they have attempted to renew their jobs - raped themselves files; Archer Wards Grace files it’s the only one she knows so she sets the case this way it’s where no one was charged.

D20204 - Stage Micheal’s case; the direct woe and damage incurred. All restraining orders match glens case this means that none of the suspects family are to approach Glen or his Family nor any syndicate they may hire. The protection also extend to friends and friends of family so they do not use the methods found in-the fake friends new broadcast of Bethlehem Prime that showed the Ames and details of infiltrators that were forced t leave South Australia when their friends found out what they had done.

John Hardwick

A222014458225- Cambrick files Stage Coach files recent attacks attempted and attempts to defame. The cussal files. Read in court Tomorrow. Archer Norman Sprice files. Stage Binders updating by the minute.

The you Duchess of Maitaialasasas 4 is still invited to live in any palace we possess and is still a duchess. Regards Maitaialasasas 1. The cussal files show the use of the Greenscore jaw to cuss at the family as they attempt to murder the innocent victim of their attacks so that it is harder for the family to locate them.

Tony Sperkeu;

A3213314315 Alamos files

A2202980180 Stage Breach.

Two hundred criminals sent to the door of a duchess Maitaialasasas 4 and the latter file 300 men stalk him til he drops they force the function the wire

The Maitaialasasas families have been attacked by the same groups for long enough we would request them arrested and apprehended. The attacks that nearly lead to the death of a maiatailasasas prince was accompany by the findings of the cussal files; the file is read in court tomorrow and will charge those with the attempted murder. The satellite above files; archers grace files. It swoops and not the day after thank you Tony. 6 arrests made and 12 warrants served.

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