The Middle Eastern literature that flooded Queensland when the amdel games were called that showed the Motorbikes that could be weaponised and used as both data mining equipment and weapons that injure the mind and spirit. The young men that have since been-found to have developed a disorder after-attempting to decipher the world around them when they found a Pakistani mission file that showed the Paki-letters systems that were used to run to a location and meet with one-another. The use of the bikes is to create a data mine 45 kilometres wide; the illegal weapons were to be destroyed as they disrupt the power-grid and phone-grid. The weapons were stolen from the base where they were let to be recycled into artificial reefs as the thousands of vehicles that had damaged the environment were starting to take affect on the local we life and the amdel games found foreigners hunting Australian endangered species for sport to remove their victims chance of running and surviving off the native wild-life. The w long ranged calls are that of the young men that portray themselves as the Spoilt Beat Nick Sons of mining officials; Somerset Dam and the regions around Mount Glorius have the footage of their stalk patterns through the region when the Druss Corp owner sat towns away from his home to avoid the stalkers following him. they arrived dressed as Police to scan his tattoos so they could impersonate him after an intended assassination. The same month that they had killed seven of his cousins. The Queckers are known to be a terrorist network and have 41 thousand dollars on their warrants for their arrests.
(A Tasmania Story - Australia magazine seven year hand manual of what we face state to state - Queensland magazine shows the route the Queckers use to cover the movements of a known terror cell - Spoilt Beat Nick Sons; Ammaratage files; Kylie Ammerage log one CGI boys; the means they use to conceal their details and likeness as they travel the world on the run all falling off today as Electas Prime will reach out to its contacts and shut the business down Kylie Ammerage law firms are that of the Artisal Trusts as to the reason they all switched to Armasayo group a knock off variant of AmarGee; when the investigations began as to what they were using the infrastructure for - the slaying of the Drechsler Family; cable case Serge Empty files case the Police have done it again they killed them for being soldiers they were hired by me; the Lady Prince files - The nephews of thw AFP boss were slain in one terrorist attack that saw unarmed civilians killed; their children survived their injuries but their hero fathers lay slain - Scenic route home; they set the route for the stalk teams; Archers Pieanna Rim files).