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SA health

Darrel Wern: the most annoying person alive: restraining order C180130190 stage coach files: using a Stage Ohone and a call Trusk to locate my location as in the long liners evidence files of Long liners magazine 2000AND831312213314 the warrants batch of Death Count. Two children murdered.

It cannot be to hard to find someone. But as we have the most corrupt health system in earth I would request that the thieves and crooks are fired from SA health. Running as a fugitive must have created a mania that then distance himself from society and created a lonliness and an obsession to speak with people that he would chose to annoy. They all need to be convicted and placed into a jail with out a phone or electricity. I am tired of finding SA health and the QLD Police in my house holds. They need to vacate. It is a tactic to intimidate me but as matters do not require my attendance to court as they traffick and stalk us away from attending them they can go to jail with out harassment. Stage Lawyers files. Stop watching me if it hurts and get a phone.

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