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SAF people of Geelong: “the floating ghost box thing” all explained.

The Saf People of Geelong:

The files that are concealed by food titles, the saf people of Geelong.

Their police files were concealed as they had been protected by an agent using a Swichco Box harbour Lorne entry point that over watched her life. The over guard systems are in use by the owner of Artisal, the recordings of all conversations and interactions in his life is recorded, the transcripts can be printed from the American Broadcast Channel’ studios who have recording studios that record all matters.

There are numerous types of the Over Guard systems, however some of the variants that are of a similar nature are that of a South East Asian Stalk systems. Please if you have a phone that is attached to the communication systems have please be mature and turn the devices off if they are not yours. Gum Corp was attacked and the phones stolen that were used to protect and serve the community. They are not toys to be played with although the barn yard would play their games from time to time. The invisible ghost that comes to tell you that someone has committed a crime near by and to watch out and keep safe. We will not explain the devices any further please understand technology has advanced a long way and they were not devices to kill or make anyone over. The price of the box is 50 thousand dollars a year and fifty thousand dollars to pri t the transcripts. A Police clearance is required to have the American versions of the devices the British require transcripts from the Queens council in request of the device. The American, version will need to the variant of choice and the British versions that were not to be used by “Zergs” have a weaponised function to the device. “The Zergs came and stole my box” - the young woman that provided overwatch to saf people, they ransacked her home and stole the phones and computer portals and laptop computer that was required to provide covert safety to the families that were at risk from threats we did not understand. The angels at be; the ones we lost; Archers Main, files to high for those that didn’t know them, the agents that died protecting us all.

A classified document we cannot share, but the name of the file remarks the use of the over guard systems.

The angels in the wind, we will guide you home. Tell the children to be safe.

This artical is to explain to the Saf people of Geelong where the files were gathered and whom was protecting you. One Saf person to another.

More explanation is in the articals from the beginning of the Artisal News and media articals.

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