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Sexual Exploits Tour OPT out part 2

extract: let's be professional Bethlehem Prime enquires suggests the evidence files of the sexual exploits tour.

The sexual exploits tour shows the use of cannery lines to access medical records; they use them to gain control of office taunting them with STD' if they didn't have them they caught them to move them to office where they would continue their reign of terror - the take over tour - bandwidth and Slug test files have them all listed in catagories with the SA Police as they travelled north as a part of an acting band; AAMI insurance contractors and SGIC insurance brokers the methods of which they act out their tours dressed in suits. QUE and Allianze for those Victoria and Western Australia and Tasmania.

The accounts of Ornan Pool Electas Prime:

The state government employees were attacked by young women that entered their office that had filmed them performing for the politician that would then be blackmailed and a chip placed into his throat through a glass of wine; the chip however was that of an embryo that would sit a series of nano chips through out his body when he ingested the wine that would accompany the wine as the ritual files suggest it was to be a dark time in humanity and everyone had to be baptised so they could attend hell together; the cover story for the means to place the Alebryus chips into the skull; or medically invasive implants as were on our medical records; or the Queensland health package as it was listed on the acquisition forms from Work-cover Queensland. They self inserted Saasan cameras or those of the inner eye variety were used to film the interactions with the politicians that would later be recorded to a Police evidence file; Elisium Stroed Raise files; that flow through Bethlehem Prime Search engines who deal with obscure crimes as well as media releases when injustice levels reach a new median and society appears to be taking a turn for the worse. The chips that were placed into the politicians were to duplicate the sensations of STD' as found through out the files of Veronica Truess files that reflect everyone that has a real STD and those that have been lured to sleep with-them as a part of a another attempt to destroy the family element through planned expeditions to fornicate with a married women or a women that prides herself on her looks before inserting the chips to have them subjected to ridicule or the destruction of the home life if they do not pay a ransom to those that have the medical records of them attending bogus medical practices that then release false medical records as seen with Queensland Radiology when the chips were seen clear as day on the prints of the scans that would reveal the existance of invasive medical implants in the brain; abdomen; heart, internal organs and skull; and the worse kinds found in the eyes, ears, mouth and throat. Stage Release; the radiology department; Stage Coach Files. Again with all details. The QPS have hidden them in files that won't appear to open in decades as they have added the next number to the alphabetical code at the beginning of the decimal that files the Evidence in-the Brisbane Vault, PS1G111411511 66154417 - stage handler files. holds all the details of the Stalk; kidnap and containment teams. EF1331441514615 Stage Handler EF133144155165517 parchment numbers. The latter with the attachments that suggests that tampering has taken place and illegal attachments were placed along side the files that were read in-court rather than the original case; calls from the powers above came through AMC1180 to request the exodus of Queensland before illegal trial was heard. The Sum of STD files show all their names and details as to which why the reasoning behind the use of the file to create Troy ke for young men and women that would simply team up and move away together. The family element of the cult drags the rest of the families apart and singles them out to face them by themselves fo not speak with them and do not associate with their games. It is a terrorist Network and it is harboured through Australian taxation hence the reason we pay our taxation to the USA' and UK' taxation systems.

New messages have come through the wire: before print could take place of the cults movements: it appears to at the kind-attempt's to end the satellite refugee crises was a helping hand to the criminals la as well who concealed their warrants in the names of the victims that were freed. It appears that the only way to get this done is through DNA tests to trace the culprits are stealing medical records as mentioned in previous Artisal News releases; the methods used by undercover Police in South Australia. The message from the security perosonell

"The Percocet files show the move to Europe rather than waiting around to be studied they made attacks on Rome yesterday as it shows your safe lay low in America don't show your face until we catch them all they made a cult of your name. It's Sutherland in their files they call it to make peace and go to jail but they don't go they go to a containment near you and attack again".

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