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Snoop Magazine

Crazy fired police officers that try to inhibit police work and the testimonies of civilians partnered together with deniers magazine and whacky magaizne we have the other sides to the stalk teams that work hand in hand again their restraining orders and the previous article shows they are all facing Shaw fire convictions. - the Talmers have made threats on their behalf from rural South Western Australia, they have 300 thousand dollars per arrests to see them charged with the murders of an AFP detective and three young men in Canberra, they returned the year after a shot a young ladies father as they left with the help of the Shearans who are with in shook magazine and Bird Beak files as some of-them carstraighted themselves as apart of a cult-ritual to become a woman of proues the strange identity theft plot to become a women and steal her funds and assets is from a strange pagan story book.

The weird and weird whacky world we deal with self titled magazines and all - Bethlehem Prime.

D1-D3500 Sapol restraining order; All of files. It’s about time they were matched in court so they fuck off. D1501000 - SAPOL warrants mass stalking. They have attempted to steal Identification to say they didn’t k ow they were stalking Glen Steele. Victoria’s mistakes shows their plots with child pornography. They dressed as Cops interstate and made a band out of it playing John Melvin, Richard Borman, and Dale Sutton sleep with a small girl that they kept in a house as their share wife, flying in-and out of Tasmania on a stolen yet Sapol funded plane.

Druss Corp jets are not for paedophiles. Their warrants are batched finally and their hacking teams have been found in Mount Gambier. 2000 of them D31500 - D1401415 SAPOL hackers restraining order breach. Their warrants are with-in the AMDEL65 last one ever close the gate warrants batch.

Entries that would have us wonder why the young men follow me around. Shooosh magazine the stalk teams make homosexual videos and sell them to one another to blackmail one another, with the Town magazine from the Social Networking magazine guide and book sets once that shows the Al Qeada netork at work with-in Australia the magazine set was once Electas Prime but sold to Alliance One as they have a broader network in the field now set-with hundred of thousand of dollars per arrests. The Al Qeada Network has since grown but has been apprehended on all fronts globally. It was a Nazi regime that sparked things off until they learned about the Arabic scene and all moved their they fly in and out from the Middle East and Central Asia the warrants are sent their daily.

Electas Prime has 84 thousand magazines ready to send and seal so please don't join Al Qeada it's not cool we would day stay in school but, the university was to involved. Get out of my house while your there and at it. The mess you have left is a bio-hazard. Your parents were convicted for the same crimes what have met your families learned. Society - Networking - town - city - repair - water - hydro - big smith- hunter - whale - fish hands - poet - polite - show man - the big one - show tell - pig feet - pungent - roof off - shawman - ripplies yes believe it or not - shooosh - wretched - Lone Star- a sorted magaizne collected from the magazines the Best Agent to have walked, wrote the magazine.

Ten takes a year files Electas Prime the whole kit presented by a princess! The whole world will be dismantled of these heathens and we will rebuild again.

Saturnalia war chests magaozne collection.

rib cage - Shooter - hole me - rippers - don't care it's done files - manufactures of death files

No matter how you look at it or how you play the game dressed as cops you all joined the Wirl (Al Qeada' little cousins, the Wirl, Glen Steele vs the Wirl 1 - 6 Stage Coach)

Stay in school, smoke pot don't join Al Qeada - Bethlehem Prime.

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