The Silver Dollar: the families that saved the world for 30 years.
When the Steele’ and Morgan’ were attacked in global attacks around the world they again stood up and saved as many lives as they could. It was the racists computer programs not the actions of the families that required the racist so ding phrases to be said to break the dangerous electronic components and remove the Intrakmenus Nesada intranet from the Americas and the Commonwealth after the attacks that spanned 19 countries and affected the lives of 2.1 billion people. The task forces that were remarked as satisfactory and exemplary always had one key component and that was the brave families that stood up and would not allow oppression to rule over their family or the innocent-life around them.
The sneaky low attacks that came-about when the Steele Trust fund was attacked and the Big-wigs thought they could live off the stolen interests accounts and stolen assets of the family. The Artisal trusts have been repaired and the Steele Families wealth is back where it should be. The Morgan of Course are welcome as they have been our oldest friends and our longest love with 1000 years of family keeping us together. Now the tune will-change and the Steele’and Morgan’s of America will be remembered for the hero they are; this will also include the Barkers as they are the same families as ours and will alswaya be remembered as a Morgan in the past and present an Aldrige aside that to them in 1991 when she loved them as the same as them. Always remembered; was what they meant when they said always forgotten but always loved as they were of the Blood line of the forgotten Duke. Always Loved and we will never forget.
Throw them a Silver Dollar and tell them the world is yours. I have made efforts to tell the BIG FAMIlY to find you and love you and show you the farms and Ranches in America of which you can live and prosper we own 9 percent of the world farms (Fell Corp). The Rose will overwatch; (unbelievable files; CIA overwatch files. The full story of your cousin from Down Under: speak a little slower he’s an Aussie. Please request the Stage Coach files 2022 May 2nd and 3rd read to courts of Bristol; properties listed. Please live a comfortable life. Call the Great British families and arrive in Style so I don’t have to look pretty when I get there as you would have married half of everyone. - Stage Bimders 2023 - Glens kinapped again - Glens rescues - the American Houses - Great Great Britain Reach files - the Maitaialasasas Prince [Ma-tyr-less]. That is enough to make your life easier and I’m monitored enough by every bloody thing to assure that this is going to reach one of you who will then call a cop in-the family or a lawyer or someone that k owns how to send letters and live a life of ease).