Adelaide wanting and ASIO helping: the terror unit file. Adelaide’s end.
When the South Australian public were asked to join the Wirl hey set out to make the tapes that would embarrass them and have them imprisoned if they ever turned; the Wirl one of the 8 tribes of Al Qeada, as found in the Grain board wheat scandal of 2009 where the Grain Board of South Australia were found to be funding Al Qeada on the Australian news broadcasts of channel Australian Broadcast channel; Channel 7; channel 9; Channel 10; Special Broadcast channel; and Imparja. The same networks were found at work when the fired agents of ASIO; they were sent back to South Australia to sit on remand in-their own homes. They were members of the South Australian Police Ku; all of them recruited through falsified requests from Westminster Entries that were never truely requested as they were only logged with-the Westminster Bridge filing cabinets and never truely a request of Great Britain to employ them and allow them to behave as an MI5 agent while keeping their badge and position with the South Australian Police. The stories of the agents that were snuck through the back door or Asis and Asio,that would then attempt to assist with the
bigger plan file; full ASIO with South Australian Police and have a bigger say in-the network as the big game was in motion and Sydney was being prepared to house the amdel games that were selected and in their planning stage it took 5 years and 5 billion dollars to arrange the city to prepare for the murder events that would remove the crimes of those that were willing to pay-to-participate. The electronic crimes were to be shown to the public but their were to-many loose ends. The police had used the dramasec weapons for years as found in-the 2007 review of James Whittaker where the police had refused to turn off the power to the invasive medical implants at in James’ body which-then led to-his death as his jaw did not stop moving while he was anaesthetised and which-then led to the coroded-artery being slashed by the surgeon removing the invasive medical implants from James neck and face.
How can we do this now? The inquests concealed the facts through the post office that kept the facts in their own records that could still be requested but would not be discovered unless a direct requests to the correct post office was made which then made it in-findable through an ordinary Freedom of information request. The weapons were brought home from the Iraq war through unknown means but it was around the same time that funding streams had entered the Middle East from the Australian corporations that received the Bankers weapons and torment weapons to force trade deals through China to expand their range and budgets to find the Al Qeada based cults that were set to expand. The thought of religion removed from the concept of Al Qeada paints a better picture of how they operate and how they piggy back their-invasions off of the concepts of belief and faith to force tribal regions into conflict. With what we have found now with-the invasions home files it appears that they are more the string pullers of conflict while they sit-back and find means to make an income from misery. The corporations they own are now flat as everything came to light; however, they still have their tentacles through the intelligence sector and used their infiltrators to caps the Trusts accounts of those that work the sectors they used to work as they knew of the transfer lines to the bank accounts that collect the international transfers and intercept the funds along the way to rebuild themselves when they lose it all and begin to start again. They use ATM machine that allow for a currency to be withdrawn with out the need for income to be drawn from a bank account 1000 dollars at a time and the stolen seconds from the Printing presses if the Australian Mint that they then launder and place through their own business; in this case they had lost absolutely everything and required stolen business to operate. They have killed the work force of small shops and business to work the cash registers and work under their names and details and the names of the store to conceal their own accounts that they pay to repair and re-stock the shelf placing their own freight companies in place of the regular delivery man to collect their income to them launder their own money. The Artisal trusts has been attacked again as they worked their way into the holding companies to control the budget they could not steal any money but they did use an ASIO mantle to nblocm the trusts paying the corporations that it funded the budgets of to force a collapse so they could again attempt to control the Electas Rose. The plans have been found and foiled as the insurance companies that they attempted to infiltrate have since removed their blocks and the funds will transfer back to the Artisal trusts and all matters of corporate espionage will be taken to the courts. The Australian government have truely lost their minds their tapes have been found and placed through the courts their really is no need for the retrenched workers and fugitives to be apart of the political agendas the request to move forward and remove them from the government are slowly being answered in a positive way with offers to those that are not of families that ever had anything to do with the Wirl being offered a lifestyle that would allow them to pass into politics looking their best; Grormex has been listed as a company that was attacked and all matters will be settled. The rose is now safe again and the government kidnap teams funded by the towers of the criminal investigation branch will now turn off and their officers fired for taking part in-the kidnaps of thousands of people it was the most published blunder of all time why would you demand silence about the affair the cover up with another crime only lead to more charges the rose will not lose its thorns nor the grace of its Pettles it is the largest intellig network ever designed and not for the likes of Al Qeada: who’s side are you on any way.
Kind regards,
Bethlehem Prime.