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The Australian’ that survived a holocaust 2019 - 2022

The holocaust survivors; JC MORGAN. Morbid files to be acknowledged. 2023 State Police Birmingham. Stage Binders attached. Injustice Binders 2020 - 2023 still ongoing and still updating as the matters do not rest.

The holocaust levels of torture listed with-in the Danish files; Injustice - injustice pert 2 - injustice part 3 - injustice part 4 Fienen files have the locations as they are Danish military files and Summers Brearuea files that went to the state Police of New Zealand. Switzerland. The United States, and Australia; before they entered the United Nations and began flourish the mind that a government would need to send their military to assist the Australian Public with the covert wars that it once faced. The Laurence files the matters that pertain the world Police as they adjust the minds to suit themselves a matter relevant as they are to end such actions I will live and care for whom ever I chose without the family disruption of a computer program that was designed to start trouble.

The Queensland Police are yet to release a statement but we will await them no longer we have requested that they leave the properties of pertaining to the Wilcher accounts of Artisal Trusts that sit with in both the Bank of England and the Bank of London. They sit and await a movie about themselves that will not leave them in distain for their own actions. We could see what was going on their is nothing more to explain they joined a cult and developed strange beliefs after a trauma to the mind after they found that they were going to charged for their actions. The actions after the matters were announced to the courts were worse than the charges they had actually been listed with in the Horror Show and Horror Score warrants for. They have not arrived to court The Australian Government vs the Police that were involved 2020 - 2021 adjournment. They are not police officers and they are not to contact our families as such.

The crime waves after - the chance of freedom horror score - horror show - aami insurance brokers Broken hearted - broad spec - the burn down process - illumination front - the cult and the markers men - water gate social club - he's the pout - Sutherland - rose garden.

We survived remember this in your pay day and when you see the towers grow and we build more and more remember my friend to ask me for anything. I can only warn you now of the dangers of December and November is the month they lure us all be safe and be safe near family that can fight them off. When the state police contacted what they thought was international governments oversight to hand the country over as long as they were aloud to keep their saturnalia games going they did not understand that they were being reused by the ADF. They thought they had rang the Chinese government but had been rerouted. The Chinese of course laughed the matters off when they found their demand but were furious as to the treatment of their country men and that if their friends here in Australia. When you read the press about a stand off never mind it the media were in the Horror Flip dukes and are just as scared as the Nazi' are they run media stories to keep themselves looking as though their is more to things a lot of it is fake and their warrants are real. Please stay safe through December.

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