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The Fake Friends and crime sprees of the stalk teams.

Juarez Victoria; Whittlesea, Australia’ murder capital who wants to drive home through the hills: 2 kills a piece.

“To get a rank order!” “We need a rank order!” The whole neighbourhood could hear them driving up and down the high ways and through the towns street stretching their social media network through the ranks of the ex-convicts that had been convicted for child sexual assault. “An ordinary rapist pfft; hardly worth the time” the man was turned away from a 40 dollar an hour job because he hadn’t raped a kid. The quotes from the C.I.B. Stalk team sign up files; the sought after jobs files; men hired to follow and befriend people that the Police wanted to arrests and charge as they had sued them or their network of friends. Fake friends files show the rest of the network.

The Bethlehem media broadcasts play the news broadcast to Ceduna and other small towns that were smart enough not to call the fake Police officers out to listen to what was being said and recorded everything and then left the country. We have since been surrounded by fake friends and those that were willing to do anything for money.

They infiltrated our lives and helped the surgeons open the doors. Their war bagel when they believed they would be safe but their families were subjected to the same tortures. Now that they are aware we ask the fake friends to come clean write the letters and confess so we can at all least safe our families.

Will you be my fitness was sad the onlookers channel needs to go. The fake friends of Glen Steele "we all listen and don't tell him anything" the real friends and the worthy were paid to live a beautiful life. We now ask the fake friends to back away from them and tell them what you have done to them all. We would request the ASMAC teams fuck off and tell the truth amdel security measures and containment; the whole company is owned by Artisal now and we are making re-releasing the company as ACME.

The fish experts of Whittlesea are in for another rude shock after they were down a member for his actions against Amanda a close friend of the family. The people that put people in the fish tanks while people drive around and talk to them. When the sound turns off pick up your pack and walk home. How lonely can you be the selfies you take in Fell Corp and Druss Corp property isn't going to stop to make your lives seem rich when you offer one off bribes to the Thai-officials to pass through the gates with the promise to keep paying them every week. I got the money look won't work after 70 thousand of you come. They use it to pay for paper to print the warrants and paperwork for court.

You all made bad decisions now back off and leave you lonely faggots.

Bethlehem Radio records request through Druss Corp Keep Brisbane. The Queensland Pooice cannot see what's inside so you are safe and you request that they are not involved. The horror score and the horror show request can be made this way. The horror she wrote files for those of Footscray. They were hear Melbourne was overseas they all swapped places as we know here as they admitted it and left.

Druss Corp news and media the most reliable news around. Druss Corp Keep records powered by the Allister and Linch Search Engines: the ones you use and piss around writing out when they are all stored and logged.

Find a new friend. No fake friends ok.

Dale Sunders warrnats azz24016019018101710190617718 the full story - Witcher trials - whichitah - white castle fioes for Kimberly' real friends that did not lure her.

The batch warrnats willl reflect the rest of their details and the rest of the network we get one we get you all C160190180 Damian Hatch close by yet again when you hear 160180190 it's resisting the restraining order C19013018441 another batch of implants t warrants I presume it's the Police Torrent picking up chatter of Glen Steele and the Police getting charged for using it. It may be a warrant from abroad as since the stage coach files hit austral we have seen many people that are listed on warrants through out Asia arrive. We can see how they "name many things the same thing" so if you hear different to someone else it could mean they have traced them all a different way.

Torrents; restraining orders; and warrants either way push them back on the highways grab your own family member out that is a fake friend to someone's family and set the straight to stop being a paedophilia advocate. The sexual predators will sit on the road and be arrested while driving up and down and up and down trying to avoid the magazine that was publicly released.

Social Media magazine! All printed all posted South Australianns read them all.

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