The shooting of Sharron Stonewell.
A young women took it upon herself to create a means to request the files for young women of the court proceedings as the men were running black around them and chasing them to and fro to stop them attending court. After the matters lead to court proceedings that netted-the victim 89 million dollars in damages for the illegal-surgeries that took place (The ritualistic surgeries file; All surgeries listed; Archer Main; Archer Grace for the victims filing as a request is not an offer of treason).
The young woman was shot in the upper arm and was rushed to hospitals where the the surgeons fitted a brace and would then make a statement that the bullets were that of a Berreta 461, A police issue bullet due to the size of the casing. Constance case; and the Constabke Row files, the placement of wounds was that to the shoulders arch way for a shot that was to leave the arm in need of repair; The Games we play file would be mentioned in-court as the Copper; Doctors, and Lawyers games.
With the rest of the articles this should be enough to attend court; I have not attended my trials due to Police containment they are not my trials to answer for they are the trials of those that tracked and injured our family. They now squat in our houses lie a barricade to riches begging for 300 dollars a day each to return to Asia. The Police relief fund, let’s be cops; Archer Ormo Rayno files.
The files you need; the shooting of an innocent Samaritan Archer Grace Orray files:Sosie Milong files - Electas Prime have the footage; Grace-me files the Police footage of shooting the mirror shots come after; the CGI attached. Excuse the Police state I didn't build I tried to beat it and force it to evolve so we could have a safe-place to live and return to as I found no warzone and no famine here u til the South African police showed for their Police Jamborree. The homicide rate; the Australian Juarez; Kurds and weigh; the pigs have it all they took the lot their is no kid funds for anyone; they have stolen the branch and the bank and want it all back together so they can make transactions when they see fit; the message allows the correct files to be traced; the shootings are in the tape before the Police make tapes of themselves shooting another; they make comment of Child illicit material to make a comment of another's behaviour but as they hold naked images of our children and they use our houses to make child illicit tapes to have the listening lines matched decades later-to make life hard for the victims it would be seen that they are using systems Penelope which is the most dangerous act a criminal network could ever do-to someone. please have them all locked up we only have a few left to place in prison. Please keep the door shut this time; Archer Granada Files; they let them out to commit atrocities and put them back into to deny they were their. A few weeks out after file. Archer Granada files.