The genocide of the natives files Resco research files conceal the files as they read them through the health medical file transfers in Resco diaries; again we find the Queensland Police as the route cause of the problem after the Royal commission into the South Australian Police disbanded them one and done files show how quickly the first royal commission I got the state toppled them privatised very sector. Archer Greaceada Green files the police corruption case above is mentioned as the most horrific battle fo all time the police used their guns to battle the civilain an the street. 20 thousand people died in-the street in matters that have yet to be broadcasted.
The accompanying genocides of the last five years that were reported and little progress taken will this revelation make matters clear to breach Bang and Clear the rest of the dangerous criminals that were once Police officers from our lives. They circle us all day long as we are threatened with drive-by' savages magazine and Coners magishiws the containment teams that need to be shot for their terrorist activity at a request from MI7 as their files update after the Caulfield Cup final genocide was found and the several others that they were involved in.
The research files were hidden in the Resco Research files that were sent to the Westminster filing systems to clear the research engine for the tactics of March Fire missions the Police have the tapes of January 6th 2019 when the conducted the search of names of who to fire on. The messages to run were sent to the internal phones of our cars the phone calls were made through the CIB narcotics systems before they were hacked by the Police who were taking part in the illegal exercise the first messages to run were recorded and sent to the Police whom then sent another torment circle as to which they have yet to stand down on those that were told to flee the country try before the subsequent realities hit the Police force that they were to be disbanded after the night attacks that were set in place to have the victims appear as dangerous so they could be met with night fire operations as seen in the news broadcasts of shootings all over the world. Racially motivated attacks Coanna files; CIA street files have the details of where to run but they were never opened for the civilians as the channels that broadcasted the messages of distress and relay were met by those that were either lied to or paid to take part in the harassment and stalking of the innocent civilians until the correct dates of destruction that would be concealed by the chatter being placed above the heights of normal chatter so the telegraph read out of the C.I.B. Network would display a disturbance rather than gunfire on the read outs. The manhunt files have the display chatter that went to the ordain bleach files to recommend shooting of those that were not apart of the holocaust teams that spread through the country or of anyone that would not take the provided orders of murder of an innocent life. The request to the high courts of Western Australia; the original mock trial, as the matters were a-farcity; the spelling selected would reveal the name of the Westminster files of Hard Reqch Games PS139 Hard City Reach Program which is the more extensive files that has the details of the shooter; as they wrote themselves ahead of time as though they were a military operation that would be sent in the same fashion as the request for shootings of what were referred to natives through out Iraq and Nepal and again subsequently through Africa in the Africa Storm mission that would request the murders appear to be that of a planned accident to conceal the facts of the murders in a planned movie set that can be found again in the same file that remarks Sydney; Australia, The streets have welfare recipients files - the street have warfare - The police have teken them all; the Police have taken them all the name change was a receipt that it was sent to the Adominos
Charter chamber files; address to the lord, the match of evidence sent to MI5 to make it appear as though it was a military operation as was the case when they stormed Iraq, a decade or so after the war had ended wanting revenge for wars that they never fought in and attacked the locals and killed them off while broadcasting the violence to those that would sit at home and cheer for the murders of those that had sat in peace and offered them water as they arrived. Their ambush was set with they offered to buy their regions houses from them before calling them trespassers and killed them all as seen in the duplicate murder that was recited word for word in the Caulfield cup final files; that have since been recovered and will be taken to all jurisdictions of the Supreme Court before receiving the MI6 standard of the high court warrant to match them in all courts on earth. The global warrants batches of the electronic crimes have been passed for the murders that were committed by the same groups with the use of an electronic current through the heart of an infant soon after their mother had taken them home for the first time; the surgical procedures were in the same evidence files that were denied form court in Australia as the Police were paid off by the 180 thousand people that were found in the CIA and NZIC closed book that used the intelligence systems of Electas Prime to search the records of Elisium. The pay offs lead to the Snorkas Like override and the warrants removed from the courts. It was apparent to the agents that had arrived to the state that something was amiss as the torment cycles had not stood down which then led to a further investigation into the region that led to NZIC reinstating the warrants with the message just because mental health did it doesn’t mean it’s not a crime; in regards to the assumed insanity groups that then tormented the parents after the facts of the child murder and used the heart-break of the child’s death as a means to infiltrate the family and marry themselves into the lives of their victims to-control the families wealth and assets as some of the families had been selected as such as with the case of the Ruby Baby of Glen Street Sydney. The sound of the baby dying still plays outside to passers-by who can here the baby die in their mother eyes and the mother say my baby has just died and I don’t know what to do now. Which was the determining factor in the initial Investigation into the wrong-doings of electronic crimes. I mention these facts to mention the wrong-doings through corruption of the State and federal police that were quick to cover the crimes once they had used their force to subdue their Boss Greg Nollen of the Australian Federal Police has since been slain by the groups of assassins that have since attacked those that were loyal to his stance of F@&$ this shit off and turn that shit down out and off. Repair the city and turn that bleeding bitch off; protect the boy and f@&$ them all off out of the government. 300 of his own men were sacked on-the spot for their participation and for the discovery of their involvement abroad in the night fire obstacle exercise mission; were they to strong for you why did you need to bring a gun you wet their to match a kid to court and leave it was a recreation mission not a night fire exercise - Greg Nollen, The A.F.P. Boss 2020. They have yet to stand down and deny that they were fired but the fact of the matter is they were and they wrote it up.
The matters of the Natives in South America; being intertwined with the movie plot lines of shoot we where they were to place an object of some kind through-their village so they could remake the quotes of the actor that portrayed the role of a US senator that shot an entire village to place a pipe line through an African village; the Patagonia mission evidence files have the details of all killings in South America. And the African mission evidence file and Bethlehem Prime news broadcast have the details of the killings through out Africa and Borneo on the way home as the Borneo Game evidence files and the African War story evidence files were blocked together in a seven hour long broadcast that was met with a response that then changed how Bethlehem Prime broadcast’ with the names and warrnats of the guilty parties playing at the begins of the radio broadcasts to warn the locals as to who was who and who had infiltrated the countries networks and who lived what would appear to be a double-life sneaking off from work to take part in murder sprees as-the Fake Friends broadcast explained the names details and warrants of those in the region due to the shut down of the Police stations due to corruption.
The dirty dog remarks to those that were shot at in Drive-bye shootings after the child sex-ring was found through out the Elisium footage files that were also taken to the CIA and NZIC closed books. After the Police were all stood down and tried to use the union movement to secure a-job abroad so they could stay inline with the computer programs of the Police interval systems that would remove their names and details from the files that would see them arrested and charged for-their crimes now that they are off the books their files are sent with the civilians or the civilian race as they records reflect them as being lesser being for not being apart of the Police family in the racist manifesto that were brainwashed into anyone that would listen to their broadcasts and buy the subscriptions to their recordings that have since been found on Like wire for anyone to download. Chimber records of the address of public safety and the use of the electronic weapons which do it seem to be in the governments agenda for removal as we find their budget repairing the inner core of the illegal cables that were imported that assisted with the use of the forced aggression systems that would then lead to innocent victims being shot in or arrested through altercations with the Police or Science Union that joined them in the abductions and sexual assaults of innocent civilians through-out Queensland throughout the the dry season of central Queensland. The science union have since been taken down through-the military response to their own night fire missions in Thailand and Central Asia where they to took part in ethnic-cleansing in matters that were dressed in the World-Humble file of the media’ stand down to action; a world with out us files shows the necessity of Electas Prime as they describe to us the facts of minor crimes while the world falls apart and their embarrassment as they refuse to act as they believe they will look to corrupt after they refused to air the stories of anyone that was not on-their lists of guests to their containment areas as found with the slaying Of Holly Aldrige when she requested details from Electas Prime and ram news stories to not only prove that the sound systems broadcasts were real but that the facts that were displayed were true as well writing as she took part in-the investigation into a scandal in Rome that lead to an address by the pope that was aired on Australian television.
Providence 3883 - 4803 record studios and the 331 format file of the Police studio is what keeps the broadcast going they listen on and make threats to the broadcast of any chatter read out that would reflect the attempts to have them face punishment for their crimes or demand that they leave the country and never speak to the family circles that could not care where they go as long as they leave and never return. The firehouse files have all the details of where they sit and the use of the A2k20 systems that read the synapse patterns and Burton of the mind through out the towns they place the towers that they stole from the ADF in 2019 while they were distracted by the War games of The USA and China in-the region. The weapons they used were not police issue prompting them to lie and suggest that they were all apart of the armed forces and requested that everyone joined the reserves to obtain military uniforms and training for abroad trips. They then began requesting dangerous weapons through Armacore; the Manilla Folders files have the details of the police arrested in Manila requesting guns and warfare items; the small details of the files that are with-in the posted evidence files of the Westminster filing cabinets need to be placed with-in the computer but due to the dangerous word activated computer viruses it would need to be placed with in a wash first so that their intent of damaging the intelligence network did not come into play. Electas Prime will research such matters and find the small details files as all written transcripts were found in-the footage form their recordings of their matters being suggested beneath the lamp post camera systems of the AFP; a suggestion box; are you listening; which leaves us feeling more frightened of corruption as the Police remark our names through their systems that are now to be scrutinised as they had knowledge of the attacks years prior to them being taken-out the last ones standing files show their strange ideologies. As their warrants are being requested to be blocked in the largest batch ever written to have themselves all off the force as half of them were hired to join the Police as we find their banking records. The overhaul would take five months providing that real action is taken and their uniforms and guns are removed from them this time.
The side affect files shows the dish
The messages were sent to our families through coded messages