The Holocaust: The SAP’ numbers and the tears of all.
The mountain ranges of Australia were fitted with towers that would exceed the-range of the dangerous prism’ that would be used as control measures around the-southern hemisphere; move to Sydney was demanded of everyone that was captured through the night surgeons programs that involved the insertion of dangerous inner ear implants; Green-stalk phones, and at-times an eye-to-ear implant found in the Kashmere markets, of Pakistan that allowed for a vehicle to follow closely-by and monitor a small camera inserted in the face or behind the eye so that covert monitoring could take place of phone calls and text messages so the victim could not make-a call with out the covert surveillance teams looking over their shoulders. The screens were adopted by a known Paedophile group that has recently been found operating under-the name Toilers and using a code name for their group as the workforce or workers; portraying themselves as union workers they have-since staged what-they call a peaceful protest with the use of vehicles and speakers; However, the speakers and vehicles are both fitted with stolen weaponry, and painted with paints that enhance the weaponry of the devices they carry with-them in-a form of stage that uses dangerous-connectoid weapons and Dravers Weapons that force the victims to change their daily plans to suit that of their warrant cover systems with the use of the cattle rustling servers that are used to transport-livestock with out their GPS locators being found on the satellite maps the same devices have e been found to be used by child-sex trafficking rings to avoid the GPS of the innocent-victims phones or vehicles being unable to-be traced and appearing as though it is in a different-location; this also avoids the VLAD police state chips placed with-in the hands and abdomen of sex offenders as they are released from jail being avoided from the search of the RFID search engines; this procedure is-of course not compulsory but a stipulation of an early release from prison. The stage systems were found when the RFiD search engines set off an alarm that the fugitive had escaped from jail; but was later seen as a malfunction and not recognised at the time as a cyber attack to have it appear as-though the fugitives had not ever-been to jail; the next step of the process was to delete the prison records and seek employment that would allow them-to to be closer to children. It was when they later sought employment through the Ports that one-of their group changed their name and attempted to enter the ports with the name and details of a convicted sex-offender to obtain an MSIC card that would allow him to work the ports. It was found through the application that he had committed fraud and denied his application. This was the secondary probe to see if those that were not commissioned by the Police force could attend the same matters on-behalf of the Doctors factions who seemed to be an equal detriment to the Commonwealth, but opposing forces as they had injured one another while committing child abduction and surgeries that included one another’s family and friends without consent of knowledge to other factions. That included international factions of sex-trafficking rings that have passed their files through to Australia to have the evidence changed to create a level of doubt to slip-through the judicial system after being found-and-changed with their-crimes moments after they made a public-broadcast of a serious crime that resulted in-the crime-being intervened-upon found with-in the recording. The invasion of the ports was their-for after their plan as means to find a secure-location to hide the broadcast of their own sinod-music to the Greenstalk-phones; of the innocent victims through the use of sound booths that they concealed in-the cabs of the gantry-cranes, and Forklifts, and later mining equipment when they found the work experience required to transfer to the mining sector-through the experience gathered through the Ports that had a more relaxed approaches to sex-offence charges. This was the beginning of the Ascension Program; that later took the lives of the innocent civilians that remembered their crimes after they arrived to their towns to show off their wealth and drive past those that had-them imprisoned; both the victims and the police officers that arrested them were approached; the response they received did not suit their ego’. Congratulations you got a job you Paedophile was the only response they received that then caused more conflict and the revelation of the weaponry that was transported to and concealed in Canberra of the years earlier as-they took part in the stalk-programs that requested that paedophiles stalked young men to have themselves appear as though they were apart of a paedophile ring that would have men that were of a larger build fitted with RFID tracking chips through night surgery and later through falsified ruling from the courts to have the chips fitted for-the young-men to avoid jail. The mixed bag of those in professional positions were those that commissioned the electronic-prisms to power the dangerous stage Connectoid-weapons, after-their falsified court-proceedings were used to source and sound the statements of the-victims after the New South Wales Police sting lead to the Glen Steele vs the Trials, being read to miscellaneous courts that lead to convictions of members of their child-sex trafficking ring, that had fled Australia and moved to the Americas. More trials of a similar nature were held where the culprits faced a jury of paid actors that would be filmed passing a-verdict of not guilty after all of those that were to face charges confessed to being agents or hired through the ADF as assistance in a science experiment; the footage are made in satire by the judge at the end who passed the tapes to the authorities in-both fear of being seen as affiliate’ of the child-sex trafficking group and in disgust of their crimes.
The files were passed to security services (MI5) who intercepted their longline of the snorkas line to cool the lines enough to avoid them from the courts and the QPS vaults; by increasing the length of the line in the same manner that they do to heat the kilojoules of heat required to pass a fragment-shot of electrical current through the body with out the route passed the train stations and inverters that increase the heat to cool the lines and deny the kilojoules of heat required for data-coding to pass the fire-walls of the police vault required to pass the coded password to the vaults entry-key. Another attack on-the data transfer-lines was found on the other end of the Snorkas line; The south Australian vault was also tampered with and placed to suit the intrakmenus nesada intranet that placed around the country to pass dangerous fragmented shots through the electrical grid to what was referred to as-a turrant-gun in the manifestos of the child-sex trafficking ring that placed the dangerous inverters and weaponised electronic components near-the houses and haunts of those that were considered less than compliant and would not simply take a pay-off and walk away and allow a child-sex trafficking ring to operate.
(The toilers magazine; alliance one comics.
Bruno magazine Alliance one comics.
The Stage hands; Stage diver magazine part one; entry level behaviour; Alliance One comics; 1200 days out Kashmere revolution files; what we found at the markets they watch us from home, like screen phones they are better-than ours. VLAD search facts Police State one and the towers they keep; AFP falcon files. The Probe files Stage Corrin files; The Police staged the attacks for them they checked for them it was a cops son every time that went first the doctors sons checked after for their own means; the crime heard and followed suit; the beginning of the holocaust an Plaged mission; the studio audience files.
Borrin Blane and the summit crew; Glen Steele Bs the World, Stage Coach 2022 - Mining execs; long range phones, placement and is and installation; Glen Steele vs the world 5, stage coach files 2022 the forced trials of Kurt John and Richard Handley 2022 the police vs the force; pick aside trial one; the Hamset gardens trials of the row; no ruling again I see; the back yard courts; Stage Binders; Archer Rhodes Lane - Glen Steele vs the trials miscellaneous courts - Mock Trials Archers Rhodes Lane the pass off files attached; the police have them all the tapes and let them walk away their punishment was at the end it wasn’t much but they paid).
The tears of all; the graphic files of the families finding out what had happened to them after the night surgical procedures were concealed by the toilers, they had paid to store them in what was believed to-be a classified evidence file as those that contracted for ASIO investigation groups used Elisium Grace and Elisium Reach files as the main source of their investigations that allowed them to buy the evidence files and then work the cases to sell them back to ASIO completely solved. The evidence files have since been passed to Archer Rhodes Lane as the evidence file has since been acquired by more favourable parties to provide more satisfactory storage of the evidence files so they could not-be sold to anyone that wanted to edit the-footage of their crimes and replace the files to Psasois Greek Chambers and have them stored away from the lines that the regular public could ever attend without the request of a high-ranking military official. This lead to the Toilers to find the details of deceased military personnel to interact with the files through requests made with their-voice and likeness after they were found deceased but not registered as-such with the records that-they had requested through pay-offs to the 39 government departments that they had befriended during the Amdel games. (The tear of all; miscellaneous keeps; the surgical tortures; footage and medical reocrds of; Archer Rhodes Lane)