The New York Requests:
Call Bermingham Police and ask for an officer that has dealt with draver weapons and could make a request to the New York State Police Department and request the evidence files that have been collected on your-behalf that will reflect the wrongdoings of those that have attacked and injured you through covert means; please remember any name that they have called you as a trace to the evidence collected as they self-wrote evidence files and logged them overseas to then have the evidence concealed under the name or Alias of another as found with the Life Files that were created in South Australia that concealed the crimes of another under the innocent names of those that had not taken-part in-the Sun Chasers and Pagan games (The Bog Game - Amdel games - the Home invasion policy - the dress code and the Branch file; Archers Rhodes Lane). When you do so please ball into large groups and stay safe together; we have found that Spotters to watch for the convoys have worked the best to stop them taking liberties with the innocent travelling over seas was at first the best measures u til they found a-way to steal funds from the Steele Trusts and travel abroad to commit homicides to create a means to avoid prison with-no testimonies against them. The court matters are still held as lost requests that they do not have to attend and do not have to make a statement to the courts as the evidence is so compelling the charges are laid with-out the need for a present-witness. They all go to prison with-put fail either here or extradited abroad. Please use the Stage Binders as reference to everything that has happened since as they are ongoing Police intelligence files that show the sleeper cells around the world before you travel please pass the request for the files to appear in their courts they have been read into 5 jurisdictions and the Ramtrack servers will not work.
The holocaust revelations; of the Three government departments that supplied the surgical equipment to the families that earned over 150 thousand dollars a year. The is will narrow down the search for those that injured your families and had access to-the radi-weapons. They ordered the radio wave guns that were issued along side AEGIS numbers to attend the movie set that they claimed the-police-control-zone would be mentioned under. It was the AFP; ASIO, and SA health workers that would be the first to attend the region before they invited the Police to the Big Game. The Police stations have been rented out since to those that were either-involved and were fired or the family and friends of. They Brought every cousin along with them and then preyed on the other families. Those that were not involved at all were those that were attacked; we were requested to take part in a game as we drove to Queensland, when we declined our name son records went from
such things as Beautiful Dad to paedophile or a dangerous term to have us injured (Glen Steele Vs the World 1 - 9)
Blocks of evidence and warrants for those that did not stand down.
(AZM17000200080009000/1460 - Radi Weapons - Radio Wave Guns Aboard Cars. Warrants batch AZAMBA120090800080090008004000800 - all whips; the cars they sold; all warranties included but they match the badge to the name of the Police Officer that gave I to them to avoid warrants - Glen’ old car attached shows that they found they he knew that his vehicle was that of an ex-detectives car that had a badge plate that removed the risks of being pulled over in certain states; they use his plates even now - The Big Game File; mock trials attached Archer Rhodes Lane; The Australian holocaust files lead off from here to show everything they did to cover their details and clear the state long enough for gunman to clear-out those that had pushed Police reports against them; they had sat in the Prisons themselves and listened to the phone calls that were re-routes to the cells then traced everyone that had made reports against them to take-a-shot at them; the big game was held in both New Zealand, and Queensland one sexual assault each and one kill per every five-hundred men as a team per state per country; they Traveled America and the Arkansas listening lines that travelled from Perth to Manchester before switching to the redline and killing in the same measure’ all the way home through Germany and through India and then Branching into Singapore and killing their way through China and down and around through Alaska and through the Artic Circle before returning through Britain and starting again under new alias. Home again shows the ways that they returned to Australia spreading Carnage along the way and recruiting everyone they could.
The reds files: Archer Rhodes Lane - the branch; Archer Rhodes Lane; to request from Singapore Determined Eache files; Home Again; Archer Lane; GG81817716551 ASIS AWARE files; the hide-outs in Glens houses; they kept them their and watched as they does out; they steal Glens houses so they can sit and listen along the listening lines. GG18191881766199918 ASIO ALUMBO - AFP Genesis. All of them never to work again they stole a fortune and ran around killing people we can’t match them to trial as they run off again but we can doll their checks the Now Artisal Trusts; was called the Steele Trusts and had other trusts accounts that were of the same trusts account that had to be repaired when; the Doll; AUSGOV.AU and the other trusts accounts were ransacked. They lived off the Doll trust accounts and spent everything they had to have it returned; when the money was returned all they said was “the same again” and abducted the BEAUTIFUL DAD once more to use his assets; when they found that they could not access his accounts they attacked his stores and stole from the tills stealing over 22 million in one year from Adelaide alone, just after the Holiday of a young women was found to have cost over 21 million dollars. The batches of warrants from the stage coach files see ten thousand of them arrested and the majority of them deceased in gun battles as they opened fire rather than accept their punishment for the Holocausts they committed; they claimed that they self regulated and had already been raped by their peers and forced to sit out of the pools of money that would have them living a life where they would have to work and pay their own bills interstate).
They play the Stage Brace files to Glen Steele that depicts his brother and mother being abducted in the night; his brother beaten half to death and his mother raped before they laid in hospital for weeks in-comas to repair before they were returned to their beds none the wiser to what had happened; they remark that they were not set with a cathoda and were left in their own urine and faeces until they were cleaned and returned to their bed. They boast about their crimes as they kart their sound systems along the highway and play the recordings from kilometres of way pushing the sound with large fans; they have been seen karting fan boast along with them to project the sound-further.
(They hide the files in the Adonis files that have since been returned to the Electas Prime vault; GG18019018016019018OB1480190180170171661 The Siege of Life - Stage Brace files.
GG18171615141312133144154416GG184022133144153316177165519918810019187 Adelaide’s Branch; How do you have that already; you went broke attached; Archer Rhodes Mennace. Files included)
The trusts accounts were ransacked at the same time and the Bank Cards used as a means to pay a hoard of workers 20 dollars an hour to take part in a program to torture the victims that were taking the government employees to court. The promises made to the families were how we were lured and injured by their stalk teams. Please read the Holocaust story again to understand stand what took place. Please do not lured and make new accounts that cannot be traced by the government search engines to your location. Three bank accounts is the best means as you can withdraw the funds in another town and then place the funds into another account before transferring the funds to a third account to safe your funds this beats the track-trace systems.
The Australian Holocaust: the promises made.
The lost cards of Glen Steele: the gold card the government never gave: APX5 file the promise they never keep.
After the Holocaust and the holocaust levels of torture that Glen Endured (Australian Holocaust files Stage Binders 2023 - Social Media Networking: society breach and come home grey Electas Prime magazines 2022). The files of Glen Steele attached) he was promised and told through GR6 on the 11th of march 2021 to stand at the gate and New Zealand would come and get him when he arrived his stand up agents was killed (The trauman files) after the police had taken over the city and not let him leave due to the ICAC reports that would later put 936 of them in prison (Trueman files - The horror she wrote; The Australian government vs the Police that were involved 2021 - The Horror Show). The I.C.A.C report was sent in defence of Glen, Anthony Darl, Clair Dent, and members of his own family (the report case HGC Rowmax 2021). Since this time and since the settlement that at first came as gifts but as they were all stolen by Wirl (the hoards of Grace HGC Lomax files 2021 - Glen Steele vs the Wirl: 1 -6 2022 Archer Steele Forbes files Glen Steele vs the Australian government on the grounds of Trivial pursuit 2022: no arrived they were all kidnapped - the police pursuit Archers Graceland breach files 2022). The Wirl to be explained would be a large international terror group that hires and employs ex-officials more to the line of emergency services as and pay clerks as they had access to budgets and government computer systems that would allow them to create a false state with-in a country for the purpose of human trafficking and concealing the proceedings of courts that would place their members in prison (The Wirl and where they came from Archers Main 2023 - Glens Rescues: The Seagull and the blazed land 2023 Electas Prime - Dark Croft Merrit: the scoundrels that came, Archers Main, Electas Prime). They used their networking to access the trusts funds of Glen Steele that were awarded to him in court, Erpals, Eraples; Steggles; Ausgov.Au; the Steele trust; The Doll; and travel allowances found in the Snorkal fund along side smaller trusts accounts and the gold cards that were sent to allow him free air travel and free expenses, they were marketed to the higher bidder who would then become the boss of the entire trusts for a week before passing it on to the next guest of-the Wirl who were asked only to take part in an attack on Glen who was hidden away in Tasmania to receive surgeries that would save his life from the Police and Health sector attacks that were accompanied by the guests they had flown in from overseas (The ransacking of Glen Accounts Glen Steele vs the World 1 - 9 Archer Steele Forbes files 2022 - The Stage: The Prisms they use and the weapons they carry 2022). The threats of the Police have not stopped even after they were disbanded and the majority of them put in jail both here with-in Australia and Abroad through out South East Asia and The Middle East; South America would pertain more to the trails of the health sector that helped them and the judges that assisted with the false trials, those in long term standing fled to America where they were captured, how ever those that could not flee used a coercion device and sat on the islands around Tasmania and Queensland where they pretend to be abroad in America or the Bahamas with small streets made to appear like they had travelled abroad hiding with-in what appears to be a movie set back drop of a duplicate location they have created overseas with the use of designs found from photos from abroad to take photos in a location that would appear the same to argue that they had attended court and that they had passed into America where they received no charge and no quarrel for the affair (Movies sets, Glen Steele vs the Film crew Archer Steele Forbes Files - Glen Steele vs the trials: Glen Steele vs the World 4; Stage Coach files 2022).
The lawyers were those that were the most aggressive after losing their practice after they were disbarred from practicing law (Glen Steele vs Trials; Oklahoma State vs the Police 2020 the lawyers came and took our babies as they left they laughed and spoke with an accent the Australian Police took them home and said they charged them they did send a shred of evidence home Stage Coach files 2022 Glen Steele vs the world 4 - A dingo ate my baby story the police pursuit; the year of Evil, ASIO must recover the lost files The Prosecutors vs the Police 2021). The lawyers were in use of dangerous invasive medical implants and had spent invested in the upgrade process for infant size implants that exceed that if 250 billion dollars (The price they pay The Freemason Jew; Glen Steele vs the Australian Government 2022). The implants were ordered through the lawyers who used their networks throughout Europe; The Americas, and South East Asia to acquire the invasive medical implants that were used to injure the victims that were mentioned in-the Australian holocaust files the lawyers would use them to manipulate the word for the medical staff who would find income through their mental anguish and the Police who would pass the cases to the lawyers to sit the proceedings in court while the Police holidayed and partied as actors in their lives luring them to confrontation and selecting the next victim for the surgeons to operate on while they took part in the torture or sexual assaults of the individuals that they had forced into the hospitals with the request for a mental health check. Surveillance State: the Police have cords again, mis march this; The Police have Child Porn Again, File 6 Glen Steele Vs the world, Stage Coach files 2022 - The Matters of the Holocaust; The Australian Holocaust November 2023 Stage Binders intelligence files all court read and ready we have them all).
The lawyers used the funds and their weeks in command to import the invasive medical implants using stolen ASIS protection numbers to pass the weapons through customs un-checked it was the investigation that were conducted by Glen Steele and Border Force that found the parcels as they had used his protection details and brought the packages into AustralIa while the agents fought of the remaining forces that had swept through Tasmania and Victoria (The boy who sat and gave command to them all Stage Broach files; to save his little girl; the world his oyster now, or so we thought attached; they came for him in the night again border force files State Plair files 2021 - the roads home attached again to save a mother he never met; gone now but her plight so severe he travelled the world to save her; home is that way files 2021 Stage Binder 2023 has all records).
The lawyers and those that were their accomplices sat with in range of any communication that Glen Steele made as they had stalked and injured him for just over 12 months at that point; roosting in his abodes and conducting surveillance to report back to their own networks that had infiltrated the government systems portraying them selves as those that they had heard him speaking with in the phone with the bionic ears they had set with in the properties around him he was lured away from the safe lines home that had been set for him by MI6 as he had missed the plane that was to take him to safety as the calls that would show him where to go where intercepted and the death of his first stand up agent had taken them all by surprise and the false commands from her telephone had led them astray he was lured south and away by the threat of false trials as the city was set in containment around him the messages that played told everyone in range to take what they needed and directed them to the safe zones in Southern New South Wales, but as they were fitted with the Repco-implants they could not pass through the regions where the AEI-s weapons were fitted to the cars; boats, and planes that the government were using as they to were lured to arm themselves with the devices that would injure those h at would not be understood as their implants were of a different variation to those that were not harrassed and tormented to the degree that the victims of the Systems Inferrous Ferno and the torture chambers of the prisms of pain that were used to contain them and broadcast their thoughts and dreams to the public all the while learning to impersonate them all and speak in crude manners to their families through recordings studios that recorded their voice and likeness and duplicated their tones to the audience (The gifts of wealth files; those that gave freely; the stolen treasures file: the police that gave the tapes back and didn’t renew the search for his captors - the government ruse Glen Steele Vs the Trials 2020 miscellaneous courts trails still proceeding 2022 the latest update - Systems Inferrous ferno and the government torture chamber; insurance trials 2023 no one arrived they fled the state instead- mega prisms Druss Corp Keep files 2022 - present stored devices files: Glen Steele’ keep attached: keep THEM away from it).
The hospitals and businesses are filled with the affects of Glen Steele who has fought to leave the country with his family the calls he makes to find the documents falls upon deaf ears as the hospitals he owns outright were attacked by the health sector whom simply walked in and started funding themselves and paying into a trust for their own travels even after taking a 12 month paid vacation and leaving the hospitals vacant which was discovered by the Secret IlIntelligence Service when they again stepped in after the MI6 agents of Australia had to return to Europe and remove factories and shipping routes from existence as the invasive implants had again threatened the safety of the world as seen in the attacks that struck the United States in 2019 through 2020 by the Queensland Health funded expeditions to America with the Amdel guides that mirrored the stories of survivors that were written into CIA and Secret Intelligence Service guides as to those that had survived the tortures of the Saturnalia games that had travelled the world both killing innocent civilians and forcing innocent civilians to kill to survive the six day murder events that were held every year (Satus Year - Satus Day - Saturns return; Stage Binders, Stage Coach files attached in court proceedings 2022 - 2023 to free them all File 6 Glen Steele vs the Bane of plight, miscellaneous trails 2022 - Present). The hospital staff took the folders that were sent to the office that was to be with-in the hospital that he now owned one of which that tortured him in the night and damaged his internal organs and bones through dangerous surgeries that near ended his life in the rituals of the Gardenday files that show his torment in the hospitals and the tortured f the control measures in the hospitals all of them luring him to a trap in the north he sat at home and rested to king and crept away in the night saving money every week until he had enough to buy a car again and flee the state as the containment around him was such an annoyance that he did not want them near his family as he planned to travel to see his little girl for her birthday he arrived on-time to the town but the town was set in a containment of their own as Bundaberg residence were involved in the initial chat found in the file that would insist them now to be on live line and international restraining orders that would demand they left Queensland and move to the farthest points in the country away from the listening lines that learned to use to be the Adler stalkers that they had become after 12 months of training that they self funded to become apart of the crews that were paid in the initial hunt as they had seen the pay offs for setting the containment around those that were killed in the Out Back of Queensland and Tasmania before travelling abroad and taking part in rapes and tortures of their own that they had invested as little as one dollar in which to participate (The Gardenday files; Glen Steele Vs the Wolrd: the police made the tape but we have it, it’s all grose but it’s good we have them all it’s Jye like he said - the initial email; the doctors hid as cops and the cops hid as doctors the lawyers were themselves they didn’t want to be sued; Stage Coach Files. Archer Steele Forbes files clerical attachments).
The towns of Queensland are filled with those that invested their time and efforts to finding the trusts accounts of those that they had tortured and contained; their migration patterns were found to be around those that they could torture or blackmail for access to their trust accounts the first year was set in Sydney and the wealthier regions of Victoria where those that were local residence of Gippsland could not be discovered as they were requested to be apart of the the stalk and containment teams due to the listening lines that stretched from Sale to Napperby where the Police officer lives that used combat lines to listen to the Police channels along the East Coast after the game that was to involve a prison show where Glen would be filmed being beaten and attacked in jail if he did not par-take in the violence that would be requested of him or if he did not impress the believers that would pay into prison accounts to have him beaten and tortured so they could sell the footage of the inner eye cameras that are inserted in the evidence files mentored with in-the Gardenday files. When they could no longer attack his trust accounts t was that of the Wilcher account listings that would be to their favour as they holiday in-the houses that are found with in the Artisal Trusts accounts as listings as abodes. The Whitsundays and the Sunshine and Gold Coasts are where they sunbathe and pretend that they are of the wealth that could ever own a beach house in the beach in Surfers Paradise and Broadbeach even after they had found bankruptcy the year earlier after receiving court orders to pay back what they had stolen from the Glen Steele’ trust accounts, after being stripped of their assets when the 5 million dollar buy in was found were five million people lost their assets for investing in the tortures of a young man that they had planned to later kill the trials seemed somewhat vast to the jurors until Electas Prime files were found to show the entire Amdel ordeal and what Glen’s family had endured along side him that they demands that they all passed their assets into the trusts accounts made for Glen Steele.
Glens Journey home shows another false attack from those that dress as Police officers, after the falsified arrest at the hands of those the year earlier had lead him to seek assistance from the Secret Intelligence Service of New Zealand who cleared his name of all charges and wrote 180 thousand warrants on those that had pursued him. The matters in Queensland are that of a rewind to the legal systems so they could portray themselves as Police officers ones more and allow their friends and family to travel interstate to protest themselves as Police officers (let’s be cops; let’s be not; lez be cops; fake Australia State; Stage Binders, court proceedings files - The Stage Broach files; Stage Mare files; Stage Diver files; The girl who lived; Stage Coach files, May 2022, - injustice files 1 and 2, Fienen files 2020 - 2023 the plague of the boy attached; the little girls beautiful attached, plague them all for taking her eyes attached - Lady Fair magazine: the ladies abranch files, the girls a star files; Alliance Dremgate files; distance: Pelham files; Electas Prime Security filing Boxaz filing cabinet). As he enters the state they drive south to stay in another of his abodes dragging his caravans and driving the cars they were to return claiming they are abiding by the restraining orders only to travel to another point where they can listen to the lines to his family. They have made claims that they own slaves in their manifestos and refuse to allow Glen’s family to understand the wealth that they are entitled to and refuse to allow them to leave with out their stalkers and what they mention as surveillance teams (stalkers; Hutching file the Police bandit tapes attached of all their theft and crime to fund the event of when they move - Masters; Politingtan file; the police made tapes attached; both electas city, Bethlehem Dreacher Place files, their lives on the line move attached Electas City; they came here and took our kids as well they are a place stamp of terrorism; they hide in the US and flee back to China before returning to Australia, the information on the file the Place gate file: The Map, New intelligence one files, the place they took them, intelligence three grace files, the place they went intelligence Graceland files we find them all with pretty names but that’s just the place in the files they all went to to Dreschs files that the military stepping in; We need them arrested soon attached, the police make warnings to lure them away and be captured somewhere else so they can lessen the charge it’s a death penalty either way due to extradition the message on the above board file).
Glen will again attempt to return to Queensland in hopes that his houses are free of the Wirl network. All of the matter in court behind him as his matters have been search by the Police of Victoria were he travels to remove the dangerous electronic components and survey the areas of his abodes and businesses. The regions were filled with those that had covert lines to where his daughter ones lived and where she attended school. The Stage Binders update every hour as does the Raurman files along the Satellite points that he and his cousins installed along the East Coast to keep their families safe. The deaths in-the families still untried as they fled back to Queenslands and hid their files along the extension of the Snorkas Line, where they hid their warrants that would have seen them imprisoned before the events had of happened as they open the Saturnalia filing cabinet in December they still find their warrants branded in-the tapes they used as fan-guides for the new-to-be serial killers and sex offenders that would find means to conceal their paths through the world and network with those that take part in ritualistic murders to the dates of pagan rituals. AZZ8050 still sits in the accompanying files as the assisting officer in the Satus Year warrants transferred from the Northern Territory that cover the three states they attend for the ritualistic murders that they record and onward sell the footage of-the preplanned murders they commit with victims drugged and affected by invasive implants to slow them for the murderers to appear as hero’s. AZZ120090090090090090020090020 - the warrants batched to Queensland through the South Australian Territory of The Northern Territory; to cover all states that the murderers use to conceal the facts from the satellite’ that appear to be the ones checked for activity during the month of December that isolate to a different direction when they arrive their seventh other satellites have the footage quite clear and all matters and facts are stored abroad all warrnats have passed the gates and have been checked and that would be the request to see the end of them of them all (satellite calendar files; Archers Grace files; the plagues that plagues us - Glens Journey home; the places we make, the little boy torrent, and the water we mark).
Hunting Post filing cabinet Arthur Grey files 2023 - the police listen in but we have them.
Stage coach files May, 2022 Archer Steele Forbes files.
The Stage Binder, All accounts of everything and intelligence file May through June each year it would seem: file attachments Archers Brace files: the boy is coming her one day, he’s a man remember him this way he has a family.
Bethlehem Prime, Empire State to Paris Rise, Birmingham Bridge in the middle.
Court proceedings Bristol and Bermingham Police the affects of all cases in his files the Stage coach files they won’t open them or they all go to jail. The effects of his life the Stage Binders it records everything even his breath, they deny that he is real but I found him.