Just chuck in a suit and drive to Melbourne you might win the draw to be the next squatter. The Rancid teams of "Western Australian" or those that are on restraining orders from over ten thousand people that have requested they are more than 1 thousand kilometres away from them. The Stage Coach files have the distance that these people had to live at so that their matters were not opened when they breached the restraining orders the search into their lives began and they were found to be on murder charges. Glen Steele vs the trials shows the 13 million strange people that migrated to one another countries for six months at a time to harass those that had placed people in their crime syndicate on restraining orders. 13 million sounds like a large number but before you say this is to big to be a true fact the case files that attach to the convictions of 8 million of them who come from Europe; Asia; Australasia, and some even as far as Africa it is easy to see that their could be 30 thousand strange people in every country that would be willing to travel for free worth stolen funds. They were all charged with the theft before another advert on the dark web pops or through the Monologue servers that you are all paid to deny but as Gum Corp, a subsidiary of Druss Corp was one of the companies that were paid to shut down the prisms we know the truth around here.
4 of my workers were killed for shutting down the phones by the strange people that can be seen on their own websites self harming some of them even carstrated themselves to avoid sexual assault charges saying that their genitalia does not match the footage. We will not show them pity as they did it to themselves. We didn't find anything weird about what they did to the point of it is in their nature and of character of the fanatical group to do so. Fanatical magazine shows the details of what they did to children.
House sitters magazine shows the travelling squatters that can be deported today as that would make it possible for real tourism to arrive and help the country back on its feet. The paid look away saga was what brought the country to its knees we have better officials these days and the lore we travel to avoid the strange wanderers who have attacked us after we survived a holocaust the lore we begin to love the look of our country and feel that it's better shared with those who come here to enjoy Australia as we once did before the Zergs if you will came to wreck everything. The story of why they are called the Zergs is so parents could ready their children to run from the abduction teams with out a stir. We would request some one send an occupying military to assist us like the UN and NATO would for every other country we feel left out we called for help for five years. 20000 men would have put them on their knees but we understand now that the terrorist that did this to us were in the positions of power that would detour attention. They took the health and education sector and then the Police Force, I wish I could say by storm but it was a boot full of cash that left us defenceless while they went on paid holidays. The Horror Score again needs to be addressed as some of them walk the streets free.
Please remove them from Fortitude Valley Police station and the Queensland Health and Education sector and let us rebuild. Druss Corp and large corporations statutes a clean up and we were attacked again. The dravers weapons is how they do things we can't see the attacks coming they use electronic weapons and they all carry them in the cars that were stolen back as we were awarded them to destroy them but the "Police" as the drama club calls themselves arrived and ransacked the hangars dressed as Police and fire fighters.
7000 to go and we are done here. Please do not join them we have worked hard it is a time of peace not for protests if you can't find " your rapist " in Australian Jails remember they left and went to jail overseas; if they went to Jail in the U.S., they went to Prison after as they have the two stage systems it would appear.
All rapes and turmoil case one Glen Steele vs the World: he cleaned them up for them it's the younger one not the old man "he raped me" Stage Coach files. John Coyer pretending to be Glen and Glenn as he impersonated them both. Glenn John Steele if the AFP has had his name cleared of this. Glen Steele othe owner of Druss Corp had his name cleared by the young lady who drove past to check and called the police and said that's the nice one "he's evil but he protects people he's like a cop their warrants on everyone he gets them" he's no uncle tom but he has assisted with the clean up of the terrorist Zergs and their rapist band. I try to keep things light as we want the moon to shine and the plates to fill with food not poo. Tell me they couldn't hear you darling I didn't pull everything you said from thin air. The monologue and Konologue servers are real. Konsten Azda weapons and assumed insanity warfare to tell us we are crazy for having ears that can hear the dangerous weapons they use.
Please wear the clothes that we usually do: a stranger things t-shirt BigW sells them.
Thrasher t-shirt or back back; brought online.
Something Greek to remind them of Saturnalia magazine.
Back to the future jumper: to get rid of retro and have the them reminded of retro magazine.
if you have anymore suggestions please pop them on the news feed.
If your an adult drink a Summersby that's another magazine from Satus year files that will attempt them away.
Red converse shoes: the sign of peace and freedom. German backpackers aware and saved us, both hear and abroad.
A sad face on your shoes to remind them what happens we get get sad this will detour Fake Friends from Fake Friends magazine and whimsical magazine
Artisaltrusts.com on your phone to read the posts please join with caution as we stay low key and warn one another writing is best with an alias so we aren't attacked by the board who are detoured by the picture of a penis as they carstrated themselves. "Not all of us did" - they cook up stories but they did do it. Find love their is not a lot of competition stick together and show them the sad face on your shoe to remind them to not to be fake and love you properly.