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A holocaust Story: The Pharmacist and the investor.

The ploy of the investors: why did my cousins die for.

When the electronic installations were inserted into- the house holds of innocent people to force the hallucinations through-the effects of Connectoid-weapons that would force bad-dreams and mood swings. The connectoid weapons would be turned off when pharmaceutical-drugs were acquired as the investors would make an income through the sales of the drugs and in the months that they would refuse to take them the weapons would be turned back on-to force another course of hardships until their bank-records reflected the pharmaceutical-drugs were being acquired once more. The power bills would increase for the innocent-victims of the attacks which was the key-inficator that the weapons were in-use. It was the insertion of the Chink program that was the most disruptive as the police servers would receive death-threats or distress calls that were not real due to covert speakers drilled I to the bone or skull at different heights with different voices to depict an altercation that would appear to be a family in distress. This would place the victim under investigation everywhere they travelled. The most dangerous implants to the safety of the victims are the Ordrox and Malayo chinka systems, 90 people sit in a call centre and have conversations with one another it was once seven people tops but the devices were upgraded in 2002 it is only now that we have found the full 90 layers of phone calls that make threats of suicide and murder while the police broadcast towers are in range. The chinka along side the green score dentistry implants along-side the chinka have a function that is more destructive to the victim as they select a personality from the chip and begin to use the force-speech nerve stimulator to force obnoxious dialogue that leads to family destruction. The pharmaceutical companies were fined and the suspects imprisoned.

(The case of the giant: police brutality files - the weapons of the power grid; a holocaust story one the electrodes to the mind; it was 1937 that the thematic-nerve stimulator was discovered by an Eastern European scientist; the weapons were then used by the Nazi’ in the extermination-camps - farkin chinka’ Green Roads files; Archer Rhodes Lane 180 trials attached show the chinka’ hidden functions that the victims never seemed to recover from; the weapons were not turned off it was only the front of the misery business that was found and the true suspects sat at home paid to speak every few hours - malayo systems the bad ones Archers Rhodes Lane for for Fronx files ASIS one breach; the good ones attached; ASG one files - the court reocrds will be ready for medical review in one year.

If mental illness begins to become prevalent in a family member or loved one please check your power bills; please while you research by the pharmaceutical drugs and pretend to take them by urinating and playing the daily dose in the toilet at the times of day that the required dose is required. I am not a doctor but survived one of their attacks. We had solar power so it was hard to gauge the power bills. The stalkers laid in wait but as they suspected I was on my medication I passed by and the medical kidnap subsided.

Bethlehem Prime.

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