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The Princess of Monaco; the worlds loss. Part 1 The Hero she was.

The Princess of Monaco; the worlds loss.

Erika, a young woman who had just taken her case to the United Nations to have her case heard to be crowned the Princess of Monaco was taken from us all by the South Australian crime syndicates that had made embarrassing tapes of-themselves to join the Wirl. They have used their payments through Health Secorrs grandmere payment systems; or a stolen cards from those they have robbed or killed to use their details and credit cards to pay themselves through a bank accounts that is registered to an MI6 agent that was killed in 2020. They ransacked his home and stole his private details before making false requests through it h Westminster filing systems that are not processed they are simply read and an email returned stating that they have been stored in the evidence keeps of the Westminster bridge. SAPOL has used this method to request extreme-force against innocent people for years with this process and have been found to be apart of the network at least through command as their officers are a ordered to take part in illegal behaviour at the request of command who claim that the matters came from-the above.

This matter is mentioned in previous article’.

(The Royal Abduction Bunch; Greeners magazine attached; SA Greeners. The Eastern European families from Parahills, South Australia - Stage Crests; PS133121 - Erika alone is best fit for us all; Archer Steele Forbes Files; Stage Coach files 2022 - Satus Year - saturns return - the cults that knew - the police have tapes of it all - elisium Greece and Greece alone - never come back - the wards of Roam - the letter change to sound the same - the fake fraud files - they all knew each other - the best of them all - green to red files; cloud connection attached - the screened weired little guys; Archer Rhodes Lane - Aaros evidence keep all off; they play and sell the files to one another especially child-illicit materials to conceal their murders; they use it as a warning if a Flag appears for child illicit material they know that one of their members is being investigated and they attack the officer that has found them — The findings of Bethlehem Prime).

The hero of the little-guy; thousands of rescues took place when Erika joined the police force in hopes that she could change the world. Farms were invaded through Police operations that requested the assistance of Armed Police to rescue young women that had been held captive by a human-trafficking ring. The young women were found and re-housed after the shock of the gunman that fired upon them. The young officer showed courage in-the line of fire and continued to operate after being forced to take the life of a gunman to safe the young women from the dangeorus booby-trapped farms that were found with dangeorus-weapons and signal jammers that did-not allow the e rescue teams to call for-help. The young women were housed away and protected; the study groups returned and surrounded her house with the study network and weapons that read the synapse patterns found in-the Holocaust Articles that explain the dangeorus weapons and implants that were used on-the innocent-victims. The illegal weapons that the education sector have placed through the schools are to be removed and their strange-network that needs to come to terms with that a holocaust took-place and this is not-the-time to exploit society. We have found that they attempt to appear as though they-are spies so they get enter the prison systems and continue to spy-on their-victims that they have rail-roaded through-the prison systems to stop the victims evading them. The mentally ill doctors file; Glen Steele Vs the World; and Glen Steele vs God Himself; Glen Steele vs the Wirl 1 - 6; the teachers made prize money and took it to themselves to continue none of them are paid they are just weird; they went after Erika to the interest of people Part 9 Erika and Cain Stage Coach files; Stage Binders for updated intelligence of the matters as they stretched the stories across the towns; to find them all the trip from Adelaide to Melbourne needed to be made by road; they tell the stories backwards here: the locals made tapes to warn the news cops and left they flew out and they flew in; the Wirl came File Three, Glen Steele vs the world).

(The Love of Erika; Archer wards files; The warnings for Steeley attached; they have found them move in and save them; a rescued widow again; let her move in peace she is not for study you weirdo, the Young Princess still working as a police officer returned to save the young lady again. We are not for study; Archer Seamore Grace files).

The young Princess was lured to cross the desert to Perth after Adelaide was held to siege by the prism' that were layered with a weapon that would trace the DNA of anyone that entered the region to make rescues harder for those that would approach and help the-victims of the surgical attacks that were forced by the Stage to live out scripts of the attacks of 2019 again while speaking of the genocide of 2020 and 2021 to have the matters appear as though they did not take-place while they flew family and crimes in from overseas to have them live under the names of those that were killed stealing their bank accounts and assets to sell off as a means to fund another year of holidays abroad. The Warrants arrived from overseas and the majority of them fled the year before but returned on rotations to take liberties with the victims that they had left behind and push them around with the use of the Greenscore sinod music that forced them respond in the preselected way that was deleted by the scripts before overpowering and sexually assaulting the young women. The cattle breeder implants were used to keep the stronger men at bay so they would not assault the beta males as they-were waved through by their payed-off Sherpa' that would cordon-off the-area and allow them to take liberties with the locals. All of them are on trial and have skipped their procedings for their involvement in-the pleasure pit, they attacked young children and took part in child molestation; they now dress as Police Officers interstate of-where-their charges are to listen to the Police radios to-intercept the chatter of their warrants being delivered. They held Adelaide to siege with their weapons that then prompted Erika to call for assistance and providing a Raurman Satellite point for the city of Adelaide and the regions that sat with-in 100km of the CBD of Adelaide; she also called in request to have the entire sea-board of Queensland covered and all the back roads that would be used along the Coyote paths of the child-sex trafficking ring that she was tracking through the Sunshine Coast.

(The Play Land; Gonners files; HGC Lomax files the Police above the Police The Beta males; Glen Steele vs the Beta males - child molestation pursuit files; The Pleasure Pit; HGC files 2021 - the siege of the street CIA breach files - all gate passes - Resevoir 6 - Bunge - Hervs - The dam - Ippy - Gold - Sunshine - Rocky - Macky- Cans of Coke - the back roads - Bris - South Of Sydney - Gippsland - Melbourne CBD cake walk - CIA satellite files; Walker daily files - Raurman files all names and details of every thing).

the town moved around her and containment was set along the highways as the last of the WHAL' children were found with-in the chatter that depicted their names to the Electrcial station that was-being intercepted before CIB could read the details and found their members names in the files that show their routes between Queensland and Peterborough file wash has been removed from service due to the presence of the CIA. For months Erika was tormented by the group that were finally thwarted when Erika gained freedom and called the military for assistance. Erika then decided she would return to Monaco and have some time off. Erika was ambushed by those that had listed themselves as Royal assassins; we don't work for them if you get what I mean. Erika was mabsushed as she travelled across the Western Australian Nullahbor, electrical knowledge of the area shows the same members of the group of electricians had alerted the assassins to the knowledge of the Blue Line where no communications could be heard to safe her. She was ambushed as she left the ocean after a swim where the annoyance of whistles of the sinod music had subsided; as she left the water she was stabbed from behind and left their to die. it was those that she had travelled with that had ambushed her. They believe that she did not know of the quiet zones or where to find safety and killed her as she found one along the Southern-coast of Western Australian.

The Swichco box harbour Lourne entry point landed in South Adelaide with details of her email to make co tact with her family and alert them that she had been killed. Glens rescue files show the details; again we hope that the Royal Family have heard our calls as we attempt to want them as to what happened as we have no means of outside communication as our emails fail. Erika was the cousin of the Princess of England; we how that the messages reach Kates Family so that justice can be served once and for all and we do not need to hear the edited stories of Erika' life of heroism being shamed by a bunch of animals that took part in child abduction for a daily hit of methamphetamine and a day wage. The look always and toilets of Australia and their international network need to be irradicated. The down-fall our Australia can be felt in her absence. It's strange here now we have no ke to turn to. - the young women of South Australia.

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