Week one: the inspectors: the QPS come and see how much they can invest in the studio taoes and the abductions they sell the tapes of murder. All of them fired as of 2022. It they won't come stop pretending to be Police officers, let it go now file The Police vs the world they have trials of their own to face now Glen Steele vs the world; warning don't you help them they have done this to their row now and they will be hunted for it. Side note finally Birmingham stepped in and explained Glens case as the Police or ex Police learned how to use the electas cities through the hands of another and set Glen to look like an assistant he tried to walk away fro months but nothing but complaint came from spectators from both sides. Whom ever plays Mur both sides. Rescue teams land retrieve assure safety leave assure safety in fortified location such as Croatian Palace (ex hotel now palace of Steele). Send guards. Safcol magazine shows the inspectors as doe's saturnalia magazine sets 37 and 14 comics per magazine set.
Week two: the superintendent: those who the way will contract the abduction to. Usually a fruit loop that gets off on some form of containment the last few years they have used those with Antisocial behaviour disorder. The saturnalia and animalistic magazines sets show the details of them all and the price on their head.
Week three the grab team: reserve teams and those with training in admistering drugs. He saved himself files Glen Steele vs the drug Barron. Archer seeds grace files. The fight of a life files Glen Steele Prince files. The animalistic magazines show what they have done to the victims and how they have placed them in fish tanks and forced them to live under water breathing through scuba tanks.
Week four: the fish and go they search for family details before they leave. The stage binders and the many arrests show that the stage binders have been the shining light as they did grab them when they were abroad and away from family but the newer abductions happened when they were close to the selected houses and pulled them inside. Once the druss corp and dweller Corp housing is free of the squatters we will be Bette riff as we can stop them using the same locations that they have set up: T63S692F893 special requests for military incursions if the violence doesn't cease as their are no attached documents it appears as though they have stolen an old military file and used it to cry over. They make excuses to cry due to their mental disorders it's an attention seeking stunt as they have the for conversation we have seen the violence they proceed with when they were ignored this lead to the requirement for incursions to rescue the victims from the tanks. They scream for human rights but in a war as they started their is not the mercy of walking a at once you start.
Week five the surveillance teams start: they follow and fact check through interactions and harass the victims to make sure they know the limitations of friendships before they send the stalkers to be with in their lives. This will also proceed the ringers that they send to behave in a certain manner to appease them.
Added intel:
Marcy Border; is here seen walking into the police station in border town 5:10 approximately November 29th 2023. Cricket squad files. The police stations are meant to be shut and the weapons inside turned off they emit the files to write them down it is judge as easy to study a course rather than injure humanity.
Went with Queensland Police over sanity, trial the Police found tapes of kids in their car it wasn't evidence it was straight tapes their was no rolling footage it was unedited. knowndrug teams insight and hacking cooperatives using police intelligence computers which intrakmenus nesada coyote equipment. Glen Steele vs the World the QPS have child porn again. 2022 stage files