The Queensland education minister revieved my concerns in 2022 when the I contacted Birmingham Police to request and investigation with their computer that are the highest grade Police intelligence computers that have exist the military grade computers that exist next door in the SAS building assist their search Electas Blue and Electas City worked together to conduct the search the files name was sent to the education Minister and yet no investigation has taken place to this date. The whole case was worked for them as was everything other school in the country. Please contact the Education minister and request that the arrests are made. We are tired of the corruption in the education sector. Be gentle with children you never know who they are and who their parents will call. Always lurking in the back The Prince of Effin Prince'. The whole matter will be last back to the military computers to understand why they sell the details of the children to South East Asia and why their are so many missing children.
Terminator files
Azm12003000900900900900813314551433166154417710001991877100191987710001 - archers Rhodes lane for the minute soon to be Liverpool Stance files. For the police to hold with out the military inception that it is not their matter.
Please walk your chjildren into class we never know when they are going to be arrested and convicted on overseas holidays.