The payments from your own account should be perfect to come out of there.
The payments that the Police refused to pay and the Bethlehem cover thankfully now discovered as it translations to Bethlehem Prime, if their is corruption of any kind the connections will retract and the matters will be solved before the continue. Thankfully this time it was only the actions of a fired reported that made it impossible for the victims of the Australian holocaust to leave the country while the groups that conducted the attacks remained trapped in Australia. The unpaid groups were left here without the prescribed income as the Agents that were to facilitate were paid off and left them in the lurch instead of securing the funds. The victims of the Holocaust over including the 20 dukes that were to be rescued that were left to fend for themselves while the Agents went on paid holidays or laid off paid holidays as the rest of the Retrenched groups do. The SIS appeared to have screwed everyone around but it was the rats that they will soon have exterminated or placed in a cage that screwed the victims over as they wanted to go on the paid loved affairs and holidays that would one day cover the chatter of the victims so the strange families that are mostly HIV and Diseased families as found in the Sum of All STD files that were permitted to the public as the HIV and disease gangs spread through Australia to make it more dangerous than South Africa where some of them are from.
The probes through the SA health ram recordings studios that their staff have stolen to attack those that had their counterparts fired that then denied them from the budgets that would allow them access to the morphine that they require in South East Asia as they do not have the medical cover that is required to live in Thailand and receive the pain killers required to live a comfortable life after they travelled the world and refused to have protected sex. This is the majority of their march or attempts to remove their names from the warrants as the STD they spread prove the sexual assaults beyond a doubt as the DNA from the transfer of the disease proves the sexual assaults. David Beaina’ cried to cover the sexual assaults he took part in ended with paid hitmen killing the young women that now see him being placed on conspiracy to commit murder charges and the sexual assault that he covered with her murder. The blackmail they use in the footage is acted out and everyone by their own as can be seen with the list of STD that they have contracted. It is Beaina and Stenson from SA health, we remark their last name as it is their whole family that travels to black mail and spread disease. Genetic coding file; HGC Roadmap files, soon to be in Grorman files have the details of everyone. So that the 200 or so state police that we have left in the entire continent can finally have him arrested and charged and by all hopes beaten in jail to show him to stop complaining and F#%* off! They look like middle aged men that use drugging to sexually assault the women while they are asleep. Their details are in the Stage Binders; Liverpool hustle files.
Elliot Hames, now a retrenched mine worker travels with them with the sound studios blaring through his sound system to announce the public with the dangeorus wepaons that cause injury as they are of a military grade that were acquired through A506040 under the Amdel games chest and the year of evil through SA health hidden in-the allied health acquisition; allied health had the records as was to release them to the public after Artisal trusts were given the entirety of everything that allied health owned and every contract. It was to be the set filing fee of around 27 dollars to receive their medical records that would show the illegal surgeries that took place with-out their knowledge and with out consent but SA health stepped in and dative the files and then sold them through a black market sale for 8500 dollars through a holiday to Tasmania that would then have secured their workers compensation; only the rich files; and an adjoining files of Only the willing that shows the rest of the surgical tortures they committed after they were demanded to stand down and all of the fired; they continued to work to injure people while in-employed and un-registered we regret at times helping the smug surgical teams find their feet as they begin to attack once more. We would demand that they change the way they behave as it is I that own the hospitals that they work with in despite their clerical staff being on skid row for not approaching corporate emails and their staff not attending work while still receiving payments.
Those that have since been left in Australia tangle with the corrupt agents and cops that were to assist with messages to their businesses to request and income but as they failed as all as they have done so for four years in a row to pull us out of this mess while blaming us for the death of their agents that seem to perish on the planned dates that health pay them off to allow the assassins through the airports we would request that use their might to come up with one plan and one phone call to make matters right instead of calling the retrenched workers who have no real powers to barter with them rather than calling the real authorities and passing the warrants through the correct channels to have themselves all arrested as we have done with out the use of the dravers weapons as a phone as they demanded of the rest of the fucking world. Now pack up fuck up and pack everything up you stole it anyway and that’s all of you! Are any of you employed or do you all just harass him to appease a computer programs that pretends to pay you while you rob things and complain saying that “it was meant to pay so we stole this and left” while your cousin replies fairs fair.
This would have all been avoided if one agent had done their job. Remove the victims from their way. And start with the ones on the real lists not your cousins that went in for a F#%*. We are not cattle and you are not employed. Thank you.