Those that do not learn: Adelaide End and Melbourne’ End.
Who are you calling a terrorist part one, Christmas Special edition.
When protective security or SSD of South Australia were found to be roaming the country portraying themselves as secret agents and Sections of the Police Force. It became appear me theta they had used the South Australian Protective security budget and the Queensland Protective Security Budget to buy what they referred to as Mental Health packages. They have since taken rostered travel to South Australia and Gippsland where their state South Australian State warrants and Queensland state cannot find them. The Drig cartel they have assisted through surveillance to search the other way after making tip offs themsles to pursue innocent Australian citizens International crime syndicates to attend Australia and play strange games that use our likeness as was found four years in a row with the Victorian broadcast of the tapes of Gemma Rowe Innesvale trials The Sound bytes vs the Police of Minnesota who attest the trials of a young man for rape as he has been heard not their soon after the Glen Steele vs the trials case files were established as they found the rural families of Australia had made hoax calls with a sound byte with his voice. All of the suspects were charged with the sexual assaults that they had committed. The fish experts trials came soon after that show the fathers of those that were hired through Protective Security, and then used the budgets to conceal the details of the woman they have since killed to conceal the crimes they committed that include locking young women in fish tanks and feeding them through straws only letting them surface to be sexually assualted and beaten before returning to their fish tanks. Most of them hiding along in Victoria and South Australia with a few hiding in Ballina, New South Wales. All of them still making threats to do the same crimes that they committed again here in 2020 - 2022 when they were all discovered some of them have been killed through ADF night fire missions as their crimes had the areas cordoned off as to allow for rescue of the hostages when the ADF intelligence agents entered the buildings they were fired upon more often than not by highly dangerous radi-weapons that lead requirements of night fire. The SÆGEM magazine follows on from the Social Networking magazine; The Electas Prime magazine calls for Police to do their job without reward with all case work done for them; SÆGEM magazine how ever has an bounty on the heads of the Fish experts as Does TELEPATHY GURU and TELEPATHY PETE magazine that show the protective security van in the logo as they are the crime-syndicates trackers. Now seen in the Gippsland region with wigs and other means of concealing their face the Protective Security reuse of safety continues. We might need to approach the security contract and offer a tender so that we can have a peaceful society.